08-09-2012, 11:12 AM
First of All Siren,
I want to thank you deeply for challenging these thoughts along with me, with such depth and congruity. It is via such speculation and discussion that deep learning and further understanding can be had. I am always seeking to find thoughts that challenge my own which may enhance my path into further understanding.
Becoming locked into a belief system as though it is no longer speculation, or for the purpose of wanting to avoid being wrong about a matter is the end of learning and I have sworn to be ever cautious of that trap.
Now back to our discussion, as you seem as intrigued as I about the topic, shall we proceed.
In response to my suggestion that you and I are perceiving Light in different ways you said,
“It appears that this arises from you perceiving light as being the source, when the source of light is Love; and seeing "light" as distinct from "matter," when in fact they are the same (in different states, qualities, frequencies). This is why Ra states light is the only material (matter=materia=material).”
To this I acknowledge that I see Light as being two aspects of the One, just as darkness and light are two aspects of the One.
It seems that we only really differ in that you acknowledge Intelligent Energy as being love, which creates light/matter.
Whereas I acknowledge Light as the Source/Infinity from which further light spawns and becomes creation. And so it is this aspect of your definition of Love which becomes the variable that differentiates our thought processes.
This quote we seem to agree on,
The concept of light is instrumental in grasping this great leap of thought as this vibrational distortion [i.e. light] of infinity is the building block of that which is known as matter"
All thought is vibration/light/sound/ becoming material as it condenses. We agree on this. It is the Source, the aspect of love, and the concept of the void from which it spawns where our semantics part ways.
Okay let us agree that when we speak of distortion we are speaking of the first vibration or motion or energy of the Source. As such we cannot suggest that the Source is the first distortion, as it is the Source of the first distortion.
The first distortion, free will, finds focus [i.e Love]. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy [i.e Love] thus creates a distortion known as Light.
Here Ra says that the first distortion is basically the ‘will’ to love, and that ‘love’ itself is the second distortion. Love being intelligent energy creates ‘Light’, which by succession will be the third distortion.
First Distortion - Will/Being
Second - Love/intelligent energy
Third - Light/matter
I am saying that Infinity is Light, which begets Intelligent Energy, which is the force of extending The Light, via the Process of Being/Intelligent Energy, which creates vibration/light/matter, which is simply the extension of The One/Light/Source/Infinity into existence as an energy/thought/vibration.
I do not think we differ here except in the order of distortion, which complicates the ability to agree on the concept of the plenum, or the Mystery of what existed in the instance of this all taking place.
And in my speculation Intelligent Energy is not a distortion of The One because it is the One in duality. It is the thought process which establishes the will to begin the first distortion which is darkness blended with light, an extension of that divine duality. And in fact an extension of Infinity/Light in its dual nature of being/existing/awareness/thinking/building intelligence.
First - Light/Thought/fields of consciousness/matter/The All
Do you see what has happened here Siren?
In your attempt to break down the process of being into various distortions, you have inadvertently separated that which is One, and left out the duality of Its nature, in essence separating the Goddess/Intelligent Energy from The Spirit/Light as though It’s intelligence is somehow a distortion of It.
If you look at my premise there is only One. And this is the Law of One.
That all that proceeds from The One is One. The dual nature of it cannot be used to suggest it is not one. The dual nature of The One is simply the manifestation of Its Intelligence proceeding; the Process of Being/Intelligent Energy/The Goddess. The Serpent spiraling out of the vortex to become The All.
Questioner: I will make a statement that I have extracted from the physics of Dewey Larson which may or may not be close to what we are trying to explain. Larson says that all is motion [i.e Love] which we can take as vibration [i.e Love], and that vibration is pure vibration [i.e Love] and is not physical in any way or in any form or density [i.e Light], and the first product of that vibration [i.e Love] is what we call the photon or particle of light. I am trying to make an analogy between this physical solution and the concept of love and light. Is this close to the concept of Love creating light?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
Here seems to be the glitch, in that the other quotes suggest that love and intelligent energy, being the first distortion, are one and the same, from which comes matter/light.
However, I suggest that intelligent energy cannot be separated from The One as a distortion of it, but is simply the result of It becoming aware and reacting to the will to exist. In that awareness of existence duality results. It is not a distortion, nor a separation, in my thinking. It is simply the ‘nature’ of The One Being/Existing. This is not vibration or First Thought. It is the result of awareness/consciousness.
The first distortion of that Consciousness is the next step, the actual First Thought or the Process of Being.
So again let’s compare our thoughts in order of semantic expression and not distortions:
Siren/Ra -
1. Void/Plenum
2. Will/Being
3. Love/Intelligent Energy
4. Light/matter
5. Infinity/Mystery
Shin’Ar/Serpent Masters
1. Infinity/Light
2. Thought/Being/fields of consciousness/vibration/ creation
Do you see? In my order there is now two; duality.
In your order of succession the void is some sort of infinite nothingness/blackness where some Free Will of intelligent nature spawned and by love created all to follow.
In my order of succession the void is Infinite Light, The Source from which all spawned.
Again I point out that,
‘In your attempt to break down the process of being into various distortions, you have inadvertently separated that which is One, and ignored the duality of Its nature, in essence separating the Goddess/Intelligent Energy from The Spirit/Light as though It’s intelligence is somehow a distortion of It.'
The Serpent Masters would suggest here that it is this confusion of the Goddess that confuses your description of the Origin. Or in other words, it is by separating Intelligent Energy as a distortion of The One, rather than the consequence of Its Being, that you create the dilemma of love and light.
The Ancients teach us that love and hate, light and darkness, spirit and matter are all One process of Being. One thought Process vibrating concentrically and condensing as it moves further from Its Source, Infinite Light, and then becoming matter. This is The Serpent Goddess spiraling out from the Source as intelligent Energy. All is One created from Duality! The Law of One.
As you and the Ra Material attempt to define this process by breaking it down into distortions a misinterpretation of that definition results in that you separate intelligent energy from Its Source, and define that separation as love, and in such thinking the true Infinite Light is replaced with the darkness of incomprehension and ever- fictional speculation, as is all speculation, including my own.
The void is not the paradox of ‘nothingness’ where ‘something’ began.
The Void is the ongoing, ever-continuing Mystery of ‘Infinite Light extending infinitely’ into Infinite Mystery.
One Infinite Process from Mystery into Mystery.
One Consciousness encompassing All, The Source of The All, which manifests the dual nature of Its source in continuous reflection and vibration.
We are made in the image of God. We are One with God. But we are NOT God, rather we are the Process of God ‘being’.
We are Not The Source, rather we are the actual process proceeding.
Thought manifesting into further thought.
Soundwave manifesting concentrically.
Vibration altering into lower frequency as it moves away from Its Source.
We are The Process of Being.
What we assume as our identity of individuality is a result of that reflection and our awareness of it because it is designed into our very vibration and memory stored in the One Consciousness.
But our assumptions do not create a true individual identity. Our assumptions are simply extensions/vibrations of that original Thought Process attempting to comprehend Its existence. We, or that which we ‘think’ we are, or shall we say what IT thinks It is, is the continuing process/extension/being of The One Consciousness. Fragments of it continuing and proceeding into Being.
This is my understanding and comprehension of what a wise follower of Jesus declared as ‘The True Light which has come into the world.’
And this is my understanding of The Ancient Serpent Wisdom which also speaks of The Spirit as Light.
Let us always remember the Sacred Flame that dances within the form of every creation.
For that infinitely burning flame is what we truly are. A Process of expanding Light. This is The One, and this is The All.
And Ra is not in disagreement with this :
Questioner: Then this vibration …. which is, for lack of better understanding, “ pure motion”…..
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
All is PURE MOTION! Process of Being!
And that includes any thought/vibration we experience, as The One, of our being an individual of temporary immobility. It will not last or remain, except as memory. And the process will continue into Mystery.
I want to thank you deeply for challenging these thoughts along with me, with such depth and congruity. It is via such speculation and discussion that deep learning and further understanding can be had. I am always seeking to find thoughts that challenge my own which may enhance my path into further understanding.
Becoming locked into a belief system as though it is no longer speculation, or for the purpose of wanting to avoid being wrong about a matter is the end of learning and I have sworn to be ever cautious of that trap.
Now back to our discussion, as you seem as intrigued as I about the topic, shall we proceed.
In response to my suggestion that you and I are perceiving Light in different ways you said,
“It appears that this arises from you perceiving light as being the source, when the source of light is Love; and seeing "light" as distinct from "matter," when in fact they are the same (in different states, qualities, frequencies). This is why Ra states light is the only material (matter=materia=material).”
To this I acknowledge that I see Light as being two aspects of the One, just as darkness and light are two aspects of the One.
It seems that we only really differ in that you acknowledge Intelligent Energy as being love, which creates light/matter.
Whereas I acknowledge Light as the Source/Infinity from which further light spawns and becomes creation. And so it is this aspect of your definition of Love which becomes the variable that differentiates our thought processes.
This quote we seem to agree on,
The concept of light is instrumental in grasping this great leap of thought as this vibrational distortion [i.e. light] of infinity is the building block of that which is known as matter"
All thought is vibration/light/sound/ becoming material as it condenses. We agree on this. It is the Source, the aspect of love, and the concept of the void from which it spawns where our semantics part ways.
Okay let us agree that when we speak of distortion we are speaking of the first vibration or motion or energy of the Source. As such we cannot suggest that the Source is the first distortion, as it is the Source of the first distortion.
The first distortion, free will, finds focus [i.e Love]. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy [i.e Love] thus creates a distortion known as Light.
Here Ra says that the first distortion is basically the ‘will’ to love, and that ‘love’ itself is the second distortion. Love being intelligent energy creates ‘Light’, which by succession will be the third distortion.
First Distortion - Will/Being
Second - Love/intelligent energy
Third - Light/matter
I am saying that Infinity is Light, which begets Intelligent Energy, which is the force of extending The Light, via the Process of Being/Intelligent Energy, which creates vibration/light/matter, which is simply the extension of The One/Light/Source/Infinity into existence as an energy/thought/vibration.
I do not think we differ here except in the order of distortion, which complicates the ability to agree on the concept of the plenum, or the Mystery of what existed in the instance of this all taking place.
And in my speculation Intelligent Energy is not a distortion of The One because it is the One in duality. It is the thought process which establishes the will to begin the first distortion which is darkness blended with light, an extension of that divine duality. And in fact an extension of Infinity/Light in its dual nature of being/existing/awareness/thinking/building intelligence.
First - Light/Thought/fields of consciousness/matter/The All
Do you see what has happened here Siren?
In your attempt to break down the process of being into various distortions, you have inadvertently separated that which is One, and left out the duality of Its nature, in essence separating the Goddess/Intelligent Energy from The Spirit/Light as though It’s intelligence is somehow a distortion of It.
If you look at my premise there is only One. And this is the Law of One.
That all that proceeds from The One is One. The dual nature of it cannot be used to suggest it is not one. The dual nature of The One is simply the manifestation of Its Intelligence proceeding; the Process of Being/Intelligent Energy/The Goddess. The Serpent spiraling out of the vortex to become The All.
Questioner: I will make a statement that I have extracted from the physics of Dewey Larson which may or may not be close to what we are trying to explain. Larson says that all is motion [i.e Love] which we can take as vibration [i.e Love], and that vibration is pure vibration [i.e Love] and is not physical in any way or in any form or density [i.e Light], and the first product of that vibration [i.e Love] is what we call the photon or particle of light. I am trying to make an analogy between this physical solution and the concept of love and light. Is this close to the concept of Love creating light?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
Here seems to be the glitch, in that the other quotes suggest that love and intelligent energy, being the first distortion, are one and the same, from which comes matter/light.
However, I suggest that intelligent energy cannot be separated from The One as a distortion of it, but is simply the result of It becoming aware and reacting to the will to exist. In that awareness of existence duality results. It is not a distortion, nor a separation, in my thinking. It is simply the ‘nature’ of The One Being/Existing. This is not vibration or First Thought. It is the result of awareness/consciousness.
The first distortion of that Consciousness is the next step, the actual First Thought or the Process of Being.
So again let’s compare our thoughts in order of semantic expression and not distortions:
Siren/Ra -
1. Void/Plenum
2. Will/Being
3. Love/Intelligent Energy
4. Light/matter
5. Infinity/Mystery
Shin’Ar/Serpent Masters
1. Infinity/Light
2. Thought/Being/fields of consciousness/vibration/ creation
Do you see? In my order there is now two; duality.
In your order of succession the void is some sort of infinite nothingness/blackness where some Free Will of intelligent nature spawned and by love created all to follow.
In my order of succession the void is Infinite Light, The Source from which all spawned.
Again I point out that,
‘In your attempt to break down the process of being into various distortions, you have inadvertently separated that which is One, and ignored the duality of Its nature, in essence separating the Goddess/Intelligent Energy from The Spirit/Light as though It’s intelligence is somehow a distortion of It.'
The Serpent Masters would suggest here that it is this confusion of the Goddess that confuses your description of the Origin. Or in other words, it is by separating Intelligent Energy as a distortion of The One, rather than the consequence of Its Being, that you create the dilemma of love and light.
The Ancients teach us that love and hate, light and darkness, spirit and matter are all One process of Being. One thought Process vibrating concentrically and condensing as it moves further from Its Source, Infinite Light, and then becoming matter. This is The Serpent Goddess spiraling out from the Source as intelligent Energy. All is One created from Duality! The Law of One.
As you and the Ra Material attempt to define this process by breaking it down into distortions a misinterpretation of that definition results in that you separate intelligent energy from Its Source, and define that separation as love, and in such thinking the true Infinite Light is replaced with the darkness of incomprehension and ever- fictional speculation, as is all speculation, including my own.
The void is not the paradox of ‘nothingness’ where ‘something’ began.
The Void is the ongoing, ever-continuing Mystery of ‘Infinite Light extending infinitely’ into Infinite Mystery.
One Infinite Process from Mystery into Mystery.
One Consciousness encompassing All, The Source of The All, which manifests the dual nature of Its source in continuous reflection and vibration.
We are made in the image of God. We are One with God. But we are NOT God, rather we are the Process of God ‘being’.
We are Not The Source, rather we are the actual process proceeding.
Thought manifesting into further thought.
Soundwave manifesting concentrically.
Vibration altering into lower frequency as it moves away from Its Source.
We are The Process of Being.
What we assume as our identity of individuality is a result of that reflection and our awareness of it because it is designed into our very vibration and memory stored in the One Consciousness.
But our assumptions do not create a true individual identity. Our assumptions are simply extensions/vibrations of that original Thought Process attempting to comprehend Its existence. We, or that which we ‘think’ we are, or shall we say what IT thinks It is, is the continuing process/extension/being of The One Consciousness. Fragments of it continuing and proceeding into Being.
This is my understanding and comprehension of what a wise follower of Jesus declared as ‘The True Light which has come into the world.’
And this is my understanding of The Ancient Serpent Wisdom which also speaks of The Spirit as Light.
Let us always remember the Sacred Flame that dances within the form of every creation.
For that infinitely burning flame is what we truly are. A Process of expanding Light. This is The One, and this is The All.
And Ra is not in disagreement with this :
Questioner: Then this vibration …. which is, for lack of better understanding, “ pure motion”…..
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct
All is PURE MOTION! Process of Being!
And that includes any thought/vibration we experience, as The One, of our being an individual of temporary immobility. It will not last or remain, except as memory. And the process will continue into Mystery.