08-07-2012, 11:31 PM
I speculate that the Creator did not create Light, but that the Creator IS Light. Darkness is that which was created.
Scientists are now beginning to discover dark matter and are relating to it as the substance/material upon which everything else exists. They say that most of what exists is dark matter, we just cannot see it.
If you use Siren's analogy of the blackboard, you can imagine that the blackness of the board is dark matter/darkness, and if we place a million tiny dots on it most of the board would still be comprised of the dark matter.
However Siren suggests that this dark matter is Infinity, whereas I suggest that this dark matter is the result of First Thought, the first thing created.
Close your eyes and imagine that the darkness there, is not really darkness but a blending of many colors and blackness, and let's suppose that we call that Light, because it is not true blackness or darkness. Suddenly awakening for the first time without having ever thought or experienced, having no memory of anything, you would suddenly open your eyes and see what? Nothing else exists at this point except The Source, being Infinite Light/blending of light and blackness/True Light, and It becomes aware of its existence and thinks, applying that which is its Intelligent Energy. It seems rational to suppose that the first thing to become anything would be the only thing that already existed; that True Light/blending of blackness and color, which is all that The Source knows at this point. Infinity/Itself. There is no simultaneity of there being an already finished universe to experience, past or future. There is Now, and whatever is to come as This Source 'proceeds' to be/think.
The Source is the Divine Male beginning a Divine 'process of being', which in that very instant becomes it's Divine Feminine aspect of Intelligent Energy, or The Goddess. These are the two opposing forces of equal force necessary for action and reaction.
As these two forces 'proceed/vibrate' dark matter/darkness is created as that vibration extends away from its Source and begins to slow down, changing frequency, and condensing. The result of that vibration/energy of proceeding and slowing down with the passage of time creates what we call space, now being realized as dark matter, and the duality of the universe is born, along with what science likes to comprehend as time/space.
Each second from that point forward becomes the 'Process of Being' whereby further vibration emitted from the Source condenses as it slows and takes material form. These vibrations contain the Intelligent Energy of their Source, as thought Form, or Consciousness. This Process of being is literally the active thinking of The Source, just as The Goddess is the active being of The Source. She is The Source, the feminine aspect, not meaning feminine in the human gender way, but in the sense that she is Its being/energy released, where the male aspect is the power source/energy core. The Goddess can be thought of as The Consciousness of The Source, the First Thought/vibration, the first field of consciousness expanding out in a vast circle of continuing thought vibrations, each becoming their own 'process of being' as their vibrations slow and go through countless alterations of frequencies and form.
Understand that the further a vibration travels from its source the more alterations it will experience. The Goddess/female aspect/intelligent energy/consciousness, although expanding as further thoughts and vibrations/fields/circles/ripples, remains connected to The Source as that without alteration of frequency, being the instantaneous point of being. The two are one, the same frequency. The difference being that The Goddess is reaction to the Source of action. Each continuing field of consciousness/vibration/ripple/circle to expand from that dual Source of being, experiences an increasing degree and number of alteration of frequency the further it travels from that Source. Science tells us that light/vibration will travel forever if it is not interrupted by some impeding factor. In a universe that is in its infant stage of being/development, the only other impeding factor would be the altered frequency of another flied which is experiencing some form of condensation and materialization. At first this could only be the darkness or dark matter of First Thought. But as more and more fields proceed through this altering and condensing into forms, more impeding factors are created.
Thus begins the Divine Process of fields of consciousness interacting and sharing their experiences/ memory of their experience. And thus creating the Flower of Life which is the geometric design of The All which is being continuously created in this exact method. Each being the One Consciousness expanding according to this Design, always mirroring the Origin, always continuing in this One process of being, and adding to it according to that One design, that One Flower of Life; as above, so below.
Unity and harmony built from One design, from One being, comprised of quadrillions of experiences in the process.
What we perceive in this experience is one small ripple in a cosmic sea of countless ripples, none being the actual source, and yet all being that source expanding; a continuing thought process of the One Consciousness.
Scientists are now beginning to discover dark matter and are relating to it as the substance/material upon which everything else exists. They say that most of what exists is dark matter, we just cannot see it.
If you use Siren's analogy of the blackboard, you can imagine that the blackness of the board is dark matter/darkness, and if we place a million tiny dots on it most of the board would still be comprised of the dark matter.
However Siren suggests that this dark matter is Infinity, whereas I suggest that this dark matter is the result of First Thought, the first thing created.
Close your eyes and imagine that the darkness there, is not really darkness but a blending of many colors and blackness, and let's suppose that we call that Light, because it is not true blackness or darkness. Suddenly awakening for the first time without having ever thought or experienced, having no memory of anything, you would suddenly open your eyes and see what? Nothing else exists at this point except The Source, being Infinite Light/blending of light and blackness/True Light, and It becomes aware of its existence and thinks, applying that which is its Intelligent Energy. It seems rational to suppose that the first thing to become anything would be the only thing that already existed; that True Light/blending of blackness and color, which is all that The Source knows at this point. Infinity/Itself. There is no simultaneity of there being an already finished universe to experience, past or future. There is Now, and whatever is to come as This Source 'proceeds' to be/think.
The Source is the Divine Male beginning a Divine 'process of being', which in that very instant becomes it's Divine Feminine aspect of Intelligent Energy, or The Goddess. These are the two opposing forces of equal force necessary for action and reaction.
As these two forces 'proceed/vibrate' dark matter/darkness is created as that vibration extends away from its Source and begins to slow down, changing frequency, and condensing. The result of that vibration/energy of proceeding and slowing down with the passage of time creates what we call space, now being realized as dark matter, and the duality of the universe is born, along with what science likes to comprehend as time/space.
Each second from that point forward becomes the 'Process of Being' whereby further vibration emitted from the Source condenses as it slows and takes material form. These vibrations contain the Intelligent Energy of their Source, as thought Form, or Consciousness. This Process of being is literally the active thinking of The Source, just as The Goddess is the active being of The Source. She is The Source, the feminine aspect, not meaning feminine in the human gender way, but in the sense that she is Its being/energy released, where the male aspect is the power source/energy core. The Goddess can be thought of as The Consciousness of The Source, the First Thought/vibration, the first field of consciousness expanding out in a vast circle of continuing thought vibrations, each becoming their own 'process of being' as their vibrations slow and go through countless alterations of frequencies and form.
Understand that the further a vibration travels from its source the more alterations it will experience. The Goddess/female aspect/intelligent energy/consciousness, although expanding as further thoughts and vibrations/fields/circles/ripples, remains connected to The Source as that without alteration of frequency, being the instantaneous point of being. The two are one, the same frequency. The difference being that The Goddess is reaction to the Source of action. Each continuing field of consciousness/vibration/ripple/circle to expand from that dual Source of being, experiences an increasing degree and number of alteration of frequency the further it travels from that Source. Science tells us that light/vibration will travel forever if it is not interrupted by some impeding factor. In a universe that is in its infant stage of being/development, the only other impeding factor would be the altered frequency of another flied which is experiencing some form of condensation and materialization. At first this could only be the darkness or dark matter of First Thought. But as more and more fields proceed through this altering and condensing into forms, more impeding factors are created.
Thus begins the Divine Process of fields of consciousness interacting and sharing their experiences/ memory of their experience. And thus creating the Flower of Life which is the geometric design of The All which is being continuously created in this exact method. Each being the One Consciousness expanding according to this Design, always mirroring the Origin, always continuing in this One process of being, and adding to it according to that One design, that One Flower of Life; as above, so below.
Unity and harmony built from One design, from One being, comprised of quadrillions of experiences in the process.
What we perceive in this experience is one small ripple in a cosmic sea of countless ripples, none being the actual source, and yet all being that source expanding; a continuing thought process of the One Consciousness.