(08-05-2012, 10:25 PM)ApponoAstos Wrote: I have read a good bit of the Ra material, but I'm still not sure what exactly happens to us during Ascension. Is it like the Rapture where our physical bodies disappear? Where do we go? What happens to those who do not ascend? What exactly is 4th density? Is there still a physical reality?
If the Ra material were the only metaphysical body of philosophical and cosmological thought that I felt was worth going off of, I would tell you that the ascension to 4th density is a very gradual event, and that it requires one's 3rd density body to die, so you may reincarnate in a higher functioning 4th density body. According to Ra, when you die during the time of harvest, you walk the "stairs of light" and stop when the light of the creator becomes too bright or glaring to continue.
Your ability to withstand, absorb, or appreciate this intelligent light is in direct proportion to how polarized you are. It's basically related to how unified you are, consciously (and perhaps to some degree unconsciously), with the creator. That's the whole reason polarity matters in the first place. Seek and become one, whether joined in service to self, or joined in service to others. The closer to oneness you are, or in other words: the creator, the more conscious or higher vibrational you are. Higher vibrational does not necessarily mean "nice" though. 4th density STS is higher vibrational than 3rd density STO, but are not terribly concerned with preserving your free will.
Now, I have also investigated many other sources besides Ra.
Many individuals regressed in trance, into past lives, and between lives, have interesting things to say about the ascension of the planet and previous ascensions of this nature. In many of these recounts, what Ra calls "4th density" is described as a sort of an "in the middle place" between subtle non-physical energy, and gross matter. The term many regressees use is "etheric", but, in the Ra material, Ra chooses to use the word "etheric" in a different sense than many other esotericists, theosophists, and occultists use the term. Ra uses it to describe the indigo body, the shaping body or form-maker (analog for intelligent energy).
Now, in the context of these regressees, this so called "etheric plane", between the nonphysical and the dense physicality we are accustomed to now, is experienced by these etheric beings as very physical in nature. The main difference, as described, is that it feels very physical, but one is also extremely aware of the thought of others, have pronounced psychic abilities, and reality manipulation via focused thought is MUCH easier and quicker to manifest than in our plane of existence. Also, the life-span is ridiculously long. In fact, on the plane described, in most cases beings don't die until they choose to die. They are virtually physically immortal on this plane. Most space faring extra-terrestrials are described as coming from this plane, which sounds very much like Ra's 4th density. It is basically a tangible reality, without so many limitations. A very harmonious plane of existence.
The vibrations of planet Earth are described as speeding up, and that Earth is gradually moving into this higher, more energetic dimension.
Another interesting feature, recounted by multiple subjects, and which somewhat clashes with what Ra has said, is that they have stated it is possible to raise the vibration of a 3rd density, or 3-dimensional body up until it is resonant with this etheric plane. They call it "turning up the power". Whether possible or not, it is interesting to think about. I can't say i'm particularly attached to either scenario.
There is no real death, in either regard. There is no annihilation of your personality at the cessation of your physical vehicle, so don't fear the outcome either way. You are eternal.
I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle, and I don't think all will transition the same way. The possibilities are infinite.