08-06-2012, 09:15 PM
Another prediction by Q'uo
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1128.aspx Wrote:T1: In the Law of One books I remember Ra told us that there is a complete transition into the fourth density in 2012. When I think of the current, chaotic war situation I wonder if this stage is delayed. I know you cannot give us the detailed dates but could you focus a little about the current situation? Thank you.
We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother, and are glad to attempt to speak to your query.
Firstly, the dating of the transition into full fourth-density energy for your planet is fixed. It is a matter of your time moving forward. Just as summer gives way to fall and fall gives way to winter, so one age gives way to another and one period of time is succeeded by another. For your particular planet and your particular solar system, there is a turning of energy, a rotation into new space/time as well as new time/space. That is inevitable and is as the ticking of the clock. This will have been accomplished just as it has been foreseen by many at the approximate date of late in the twelfth month of 2011.
So, roughly speaking, 2012 shall see the full realization, in terms of the inner planes of your planet and the time/space aspects of your planet. Fourth density, in 2012, will be your system of energy. Now, my brother, as you can well imagine, there is much energy upon your planet at this time embodied in the persons of the individuals living upon it and the societal groups and structures and governments that these people have created that will be quite inappropriately geared for welcoming fourth-density energy. As we have said, there is a habit of contraction and fear and attempt to control among your people which may well end in entities doing great damage to each other and to the planet because, faced with energies they cannot control, they may well contract themselves into the Armageddon that they so fear. We are very hopeful, however, that this will not occur. There is a growing groundswell among your peoples at the soul level of honest and deep revulsion and distaste for the energies of control and destruction.