08-04-2012, 02:14 PM
here is an astonishing bit of Q'uo, directly pertinent:
Quote:When an entity uses language consciously, he becomes a priest. And indeed, we say to you: everything that you say may be seen to be sacred or deliberately chosen not to be sacred, because the default setting of speech of any kind of utterance is that it is sacred. Yet that beginning nature of sound itself, when involved with the human breath, is not used by most entities in most applications. Most people are not aware that, when they open their mouth and speak, they are people of power, and so they do not concern themselves precisely with what they say. And they may throw away many, many words which mean very little, simply having a good time communicating small facts and enjoying life.
However, in the case of two languages, the Sanskrit and the Hebrew, those involved in the early creation of the tongues and the writing down of them into a form of notation which you would call writing were working from the premise that their sounds were sacred. And this makes them sacred.
It is not that there is a code involved or that there is some statistical relationship betwixt the genetic code and certain vowels or syllables. It is that the intention of those who created and notated those two languages was to create a set of sacred vibrations.
These were unique in the creation of languages upon your sphere because of the fact that most languages have been created by those who wish to do business. And therefore the whole vibrational energy of words in most cultures is not that energy of sacredness, at least not consciously. Certainly, when these sounds are brought together into inspiring speech or ineffable singing, once again the human heart can begin to hear the sacredness of sound and the power of the human breath to express the love and the light of the one infinite Creator.