08-04-2012, 07:31 AM
We are so caught up in our pursuit of ancient civilization that we forget the very dynamic of natural processes.
Civilization is man's attempt to achieve higher states of living. And as natural as it is for man to desire to progress and find better ways to live this life, there are also many natural processes that take place all around us that we can easily ignore if we choose to do so.
One of those processes is the vibratory experience and design of all creation. The Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry; Divine Design and Process of Being.
It is this vibratory reality from which communication and the sharing of fields of consciousness creates that which we understand as language.
But this is certainly not a result of civilized accomplishment. It has nothing to do with any one human family attempting to give their communications a symbolic representation. Primitive man living in caves did this on stone walls long before any civilization took place on this planet.
But what advanced and evolved civilized being brought to communication was far more than symbolic representations on stone walls. These advanced means of communication utilized the nature of vibration which was encoded into these symbols, and anyone able to tune into the frequency of these vibrations would be able to also decipher and understand their meaning and message.
Sanskrit, like many other ancient communications, was vibratory and brought to our planet by advanced beings that understood these natural methods of communication.
And this is why we see problems arise when decoding is attempted by simple mathematical deconstruction of the symbols, as though breaking the cryptogram puzzles. Although it might be true that a symbol applied in the same context over and over can be assumed to mean one thing, the true meaning can be lost if its true vibration is not understood and realized.
Do we not see in many languages how one symbol or word can have many different meanings?
It is not in the design of the symbol that we find the true communication, but in the vibration that such symbols and the true intent of that effort create.
It is not in the reading and decoding of the symbolism that we find the true message, but in the 'tuning into' the frequency designed into that message.
In the words of the one who translates the Emerald Tablets of Thoth we hear :
"Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader... Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface." UNQUOTE
In this way the secrets of messages were buried within the symbols and the alchemy used to create the specific vibration. This cannot be dome by simply carving pictures on a stone wall. It is an advanced technology brought to earth from beyond.
Earth's first 'language' was the first sound made between one conscious being to another in an attempt to communicate thought. Who knows what that might have been. At some point it became the grunts between cave men. 'Ugh' meany yes and 'roar' meant no.
Sanskrit was not the first language or alphabet; it was among the first of the advanced methods of communicating via vibration brought from beyond our planet.
Civilization is man's attempt to achieve higher states of living. And as natural as it is for man to desire to progress and find better ways to live this life, there are also many natural processes that take place all around us that we can easily ignore if we choose to do so.
One of those processes is the vibratory experience and design of all creation. The Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry; Divine Design and Process of Being.
It is this vibratory reality from which communication and the sharing of fields of consciousness creates that which we understand as language.
But this is certainly not a result of civilized accomplishment. It has nothing to do with any one human family attempting to give their communications a symbolic representation. Primitive man living in caves did this on stone walls long before any civilization took place on this planet.
But what advanced and evolved civilized being brought to communication was far more than symbolic representations on stone walls. These advanced means of communication utilized the nature of vibration which was encoded into these symbols, and anyone able to tune into the frequency of these vibrations would be able to also decipher and understand their meaning and message.
Sanskrit, like many other ancient communications, was vibratory and brought to our planet by advanced beings that understood these natural methods of communication.
And this is why we see problems arise when decoding is attempted by simple mathematical deconstruction of the symbols, as though breaking the cryptogram puzzles. Although it might be true that a symbol applied in the same context over and over can be assumed to mean one thing, the true meaning can be lost if its true vibration is not understood and realized.
Do we not see in many languages how one symbol or word can have many different meanings?
It is not in the design of the symbol that we find the true communication, but in the vibration that such symbols and the true intent of that effort create.
It is not in the reading and decoding of the symbolism that we find the true message, but in the 'tuning into' the frequency designed into that message.
In the words of the one who translates the Emerald Tablets of Thoth we hear :
"Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader... Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface." UNQUOTE
In this way the secrets of messages were buried within the symbols and the alchemy used to create the specific vibration. This cannot be dome by simply carving pictures on a stone wall. It is an advanced technology brought to earth from beyond.
Earth's first 'language' was the first sound made between one conscious being to another in an attempt to communicate thought. Who knows what that might have been. At some point it became the grunts between cave men. 'Ugh' meany yes and 'roar' meant no.
Sanskrit was not the first language or alphabet; it was among the first of the advanced methods of communicating via vibration brought from beyond our planet.