07-29-2012, 06:03 PM
This is perceptive.
If you will understand the Creation as the body of the Logos/Thought/Focus/Love/Energy, then you will extrapolate that the Logos is analogous to the mind.
The Kosmos or Creation is to the Logos what the body is to the mind ("the body is a creature of the mind"). And the body is used as the vehicle or medium of experience; without which, growth, learning, progression, change, transformation, etc, would not be possible—the mind then is really the driver of the vehicle behind the experiment and the experiencing. Macrocosmically speaking, the Creation is one body, and the Logos is the one mind. The spirit then, of course, relates to Intelligent Infinity itself.
In this sense, the 6th density is analogous with the Logos, and translatable to the indigo-ray nexus (or chakra) of the body. 6D, indigo-ray, Logos and higher-self are very much interrelated. The 7th density, finally, like the violet-ray nexus, is equatable to the spirit complex, that is the shuttle to and contactor of Intelligent Infinity (remember, violet-ray and 7D are both the "sum total"—and what is Intelligent Infinity if not absolute unity/oneness?).
But be astute, for I am not saying the 7th density is Intelligent Infinity! The Creation in all its colors (1D-7D) is the BODY of the Creator/Logos, which is the MIND in this sense. Yet neither mind nor body are separate nor disconnected from the Source, or Intelligent Infinity. This "connection" is the spirit complex. Thus, the SPIRIT is analogous with Intelligent Infinity.
The reason why the Logos is analogous to 6th density and not 7th is because the densities, just like the energy nexi, are part of the vehicle or medium of experience we call the Creation. The key is this: all that is experienced (by the Logos, or the mind) occurs within the Creation (or through the body). Now try to grasp/perceive this both micro-cosmically as well as macro-cosmically.
Intelligent Infinity does not experience itself, does not know itself, from "outside" the Creation, but through a process of experience—which is only possible through the vehicular medium that is the Creation. Intelligent Infinity is an unfathomable mystery. And the IDEA to experience itself is the THOUGHT (Logos) that forms the Creation through which this infinity may be, well, experienced. I would ask you to take a moment and truly ponder this. (...)
Thus the 7th density (as the violet-ray nexus) is the sum total of the experience, the "becoming One with the All in foreverness." Having gradually progressed throughout the various densities of experience, the 7th density entity finally reaches that one infinite moment in which it contemplates and knows itself in its totality.
As Ra says:
In a certain sense (provided this statement is not severely misinterpreted), the Logos could be said to be primarily operating from a 6th density perspective, looking outwards and downwards, overseeing the Creation and its evolutionary process. The 7th density then serving as a sort of spiritual platform from which the looking backwards is over, for the Creator now finally beholds itself in its totality for an infinite moment before the experience is over and it dissolves again into Infinity. This is analogous, as I have pointed out earlier, to the functions of the indigo and violet-ray nexi. Macro-cosmically, the 6th and 7th densities serve the same purpose.
Truly grasping this will prove incredibly useful. There is spirit, mind, and body, and this trinity is one—no part being without the other: Intelligent Infinity (the potential), the Logos (the thought, focus, energy, kinetic), and the Creation (the means through which an evolutionary process—or experience—is brought into play). This is the esoteric meaning of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, respectively (or Khaos/Theos/Kosmos, as I like to call it, since I have a slight bias for Greek language).
And to wrap it up, a fortune cookie:
"There is one Intelligent Infinity. There are infinite Thoughts (Logoi)."
If you will understand the Creation as the body of the Logos/Thought/Focus/Love/Energy, then you will extrapolate that the Logos is analogous to the mind.
The Kosmos or Creation is to the Logos what the body is to the mind ("the body is a creature of the mind"). And the body is used as the vehicle or medium of experience; without which, growth, learning, progression, change, transformation, etc, would not be possible—the mind then is really the driver of the vehicle behind the experiment and the experiencing. Macrocosmically speaking, the Creation is one body, and the Logos is the one mind. The spirit then, of course, relates to Intelligent Infinity itself.
In this sense, the 6th density is analogous with the Logos, and translatable to the indigo-ray nexus (or chakra) of the body. 6D, indigo-ray, Logos and higher-self are very much interrelated. The 7th density, finally, like the violet-ray nexus, is equatable to the spirit complex, that is the shuttle to and contactor of Intelligent Infinity (remember, violet-ray and 7D are both the "sum total"—and what is Intelligent Infinity if not absolute unity/oneness?).
But be astute, for I am not saying the 7th density is Intelligent Infinity! The Creation in all its colors (1D-7D) is the BODY of the Creator/Logos, which is the MIND in this sense. Yet neither mind nor body are separate nor disconnected from the Source, or Intelligent Infinity. This "connection" is the spirit complex. Thus, the SPIRIT is analogous with Intelligent Infinity.
The reason why the Logos is analogous to 6th density and not 7th is because the densities, just like the energy nexi, are part of the vehicle or medium of experience we call the Creation. The key is this: all that is experienced (by the Logos, or the mind) occurs within the Creation (or through the body). Now try to grasp/perceive this both micro-cosmically as well as macro-cosmically.
Intelligent Infinity does not experience itself, does not know itself, from "outside" the Creation, but through a process of experience—which is only possible through the vehicular medium that is the Creation. Intelligent Infinity is an unfathomable mystery. And the IDEA to experience itself is the THOUGHT (Logos) that forms the Creation through which this infinity may be, well, experienced. I would ask you to take a moment and truly ponder this. (...)
Thus the 7th density (as the violet-ray nexus) is the sum total of the experience, the "becoming One with the All in foreverness." Having gradually progressed throughout the various densities of experience, the 7th density entity finally reaches that one infinite moment in which it contemplates and knows itself in its totality.
As Ra says:
Quote:At the seventh level or dimension, we shall, if our humble efforts are sufficient, become one with all, thus having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.
In a certain sense (provided this statement is not severely misinterpreted), the Logos could be said to be primarily operating from a 6th density perspective, looking outwards and downwards, overseeing the Creation and its evolutionary process. The 7th density then serving as a sort of spiritual platform from which the looking backwards is over, for the Creator now finally beholds itself in its totality for an infinite moment before the experience is over and it dissolves again into Infinity. This is analogous, as I have pointed out earlier, to the functions of the indigo and violet-ray nexi. Macro-cosmically, the 6th and 7th densities serve the same purpose.
Quote:The higher self is of a certain advancement within sixth density going into the seventh. After the seventh has been well entered the mind/body/spirit complex becomes so totally a mind/body/spirit complex totality that it begins to gather spiritual mass and approach the octave density. Thus the looking backwards is finished at that point.
Quote:The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards — in short, all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass.
Truly grasping this will prove incredibly useful. There is spirit, mind, and body, and this trinity is one—no part being without the other: Intelligent Infinity (the potential), the Logos (the thought, focus, energy, kinetic), and the Creation (the means through which an evolutionary process—or experience—is brought into play). This is the esoteric meaning of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, respectively (or Khaos/Theos/Kosmos, as I like to call it, since I have a slight bias for Greek language).
And to wrap it up, a fortune cookie:
"There is one Intelligent Infinity. There are infinite Thoughts (Logoi)."