07-19-2012, 08:36 PM
(07-19-2012, 05:40 PM)Ebennett Wrote: In Ra's terms how would the LOA be described. I know this is a broad question but the like attracts like definition from Ra?
Ra never gives an explicit definition of the law of attraction. But they do talk about it in a roundabout way, as can be seen in the following exchanges:
Quote:16.54 Questioner: Do things like daydreams become real in other densities?
Ra: I am Ra. This depends upon the nature of the daydream. This is a large subject. Perhaps the simplest thing we can say is, if the daydream, as you call it, is one which attracts to self, this then becomes reality to self. If it is contemplative general daydream, this may enter the infinity of possibility/probability complexes and occur elsewhere, having no particular attachment to the energy fields of the creator.
16.55 Questioner: To make this a little more clear, if I were to daydream strongly about building a ship, would this occur in one of these other densities?
Ra: I am Ra. This would/would have/or shall occur.
16.57 Questioner: Does the Orion group use this principle to create conditions favorable to suit their purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. We will answer more specifically than the question. The Orion group uses daydreams of hostile or other negative natures to feed back or strengthen these thought-forms.
16.58 Questioner: Do they ever use any, shall I say, gratifications of the physical body to amplify such daydreams like this?
Ra: I am Ra. They are able to do this only when there is a strong ability on the part of the receiving mind/body/spirity complex towards the perception of thought-forms. This could be termed an unusual characteristic but has been indeed been a method used by Orion entities.
16.56 Questioner: Then if an entity daydreams strongly about battling an entity, would this occur?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case the entity’s fantasy concerns the self and other-self; this binds the thought-form to the possibility/probability complex connected with the self which is the creator of this thought-form. This then would increase the possibility/probability of bringing this into third-density occurrence.
And also:
Quote:50.2 Questioner: In the last session you made the statement that experiences are attracted into the entity through the south pole. Could you expand on that and give us a definition of what you mean?
Ra: I am Ra. It takes some consideration to accomplish the proper perspective for grasping the sense of the above information. The south or negative pole is one which attracts. It pulls unto itself those things magnetized to it. So with the mind/body/spirit complex. The in-flow of experience is of the south pole influx. You may consider this a simplistic statement.
The only specific part of this correctness is that the red ray or foundation energy center, being the lowest or root energy center of the physical vehicle, will have the first opportunity to react to any experience. In this way only, you may see a physical locus of the south pole being identified with the root energy center. In every facet of mind and body the root or foundation will be given the opportunity to function first.
What is this opportunity but survival? This is the root possibility of response and may be found to be characteristic of the basic functions of both mind and body. You will find this instinct the strongest, and once this is balanced much is open to the seeker. The south pole then ceases blocking the experiential data and higher energy centers of mind and body become availed of the opportunity to use the experience drawn to it.