07-15-2012, 01:42 PM
(07-14-2012, 01:16 PM)TheEternal Wrote: By Microcosm and Macrocosm, indeed, the One Identity is in All Identities. We do not express that it is particular human forms which hold identities, but particular human MINDS which hold identities. In that, the identity is mutable, changeable. There is no human who is restricted to any particular field within the spectrum of the One Personality.
As one comes in to greater awareness of the many facets of the individuated personality, one begins to see that this personality, in its illusion, is thus no longer restrictive to individuated forms, but then that the Non-Identity which is the Self may mix and match identities as desired. When the Personality is changed, the influence and pattern of the individual as an influence and expression within the cosmos changes the entire Plan as Substance. Therefore, the role that one chooses to play is ultimately of the utmost important in this realm of the Choice.
As more identities blend, one sees that they have even more freedom, but with that freedom comes temptation of behaviour. What must be remembered that "freedom of behaviour" is not the same a true freedom of consciousness and being. We feel this is why Ra expresses that the more polarized an entity is, the more it is capable of switching polarities at will. When one can clearly see in every moment all the possibilities of actions it becomes by necessity a game of choice, and limitation, in which one shapes their identity to match the nature of the energies they which to embody as an addition to the collective of the cosmos.
Alas, some are attracted to the Black Dragon, and become enthralled with death and destruction. These are those who take freedom as being freedom of behaviour, in which they attempt to avoid consequence by proclaiming Oneness.
Then there are those who work for Life, who are of the Golden Dragon. Each of these is a path chosen by the individual, and each leads to a new flavour, a new alchemical formula at play within the entirety of creation.
Also, we admit we do not know the difference between "knowing", "thinking", and "speculating", all of these suggest thought activity in the mind. We would express that we adhere to no Truth, except that Truth is in the All, and that in Stillness, in Being, may one find that Truth. All other things, no matter what thought form they take, are simply experiences within reality.
We express that the point is not to separate oneself in terms of Identity and Non-Identity, but rather that the two exist in symbiosis and unity of Identity and Non-Identity is the Great Mystery.
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0321.aspx Wrote:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator, in whose name we come to you this day, [to] this part of that which we may call the “Godhead Principle” for all entities are a portion of this Godhead Principle, each splintering as gems from a mother lode or sparking off [as] sparks from a glorious and sacred place of Creatorship, always and ever retaining, in the microcosm of the macrocosm, a holographic expression of the infinite reaches of the one Creator and Its creative Thought of love. We are most happy to share our thoughts with you upon this subject and ask only that each thought that we offer be appraised and estimated with quite careful discrimination, seeking and searching always for the personal resonance, for that peculiar sensation of remembering that which you have already known and simply had forgotten. This is the mark of personal truth. All other ideas, be they ever so attractive as toys for the mind, need to be left behind as stumbling blocks, if that essence of remembrance and resonance is not there. With this freedom granted us, we may then express ourselves without being concerned that we, as incorrectly perceived authority figures, might cause any to stumble.
It makes me feel intense Joy when a synchronicity of this nature pops up. I have been thoroughly enjoying the words spoken in this thread the past 2 days. I then went on to keep reading Q'uo's channelings in the linear fashion I have been, and see many of my own thoughts and all of your thoughts mirrored in the channeling that I just so happen to coincidentally sychronistically read less than two days later.
I have been positively assaulted by this type of synchronicity in the past 6 months or so; where I have a personal thought or read a very insightful post that appears to be at least partially channeled that turns out to be mirrored in some way in the Q'uo channeling that I just so happen to be reading at the time. This has happened to me so many times I have lost count.
I would also like to add that I am also quite envious of the many members (4-6) that seem to be in differing degrees of unlocking abilities of channeling the words of higher entities(or themselves, depending on your perspective). I would very much like to be able to do this, and have been attempting to rearrange my consciousness to try to bring about this wish.