When I attended L/L Research Homecoming last year, at the end of it, I was sitting next to a guy, talking to him. And I expressed to him that I thought that it would be more people at Homecoming who would be into the Ra material like I am. And I told him that I didn't expect that little Ra talk there. And he said: "Well, see? Even here we are freaks!" Oh boy! Did that make me laugh hard!! 
Of course Carla isn't THE greatest channeler for *everyone*, and of course the Ra material isn't THE best channeled material for *everyone*, but it is as ahktu put it "to each their own". BUT for a little clique of us dwelling in this very place, it is so.
βαθμιαίος, for a second I thought, when just reading the title of this thread, that you found *another* source of the material and *another* channeler than that of L/L Research, and I thought: "Wuuuut?!! It must be indeed the end of the days now!!"

Of course Carla isn't THE greatest channeler for *everyone*, and of course the Ra material isn't THE best channeled material for *everyone*, but it is as ahktu put it "to each their own". BUT for a little clique of us dwelling in this very place, it is so.
βαθμιαίος, for a second I thought, when just reading the title of this thread, that you found *another* source of the material and *another* channeler than that of L/L Research, and I thought: "Wuuuut?!! It must be indeed the end of the days now!!"