06-26-2012, 11:11 PM
(06-26-2012, 08:39 PM)Patrick Wrote: I would like to know more about the ways we could do away completely with animal products.
What sort of supplements are needed ? Or are there foodstuff that can fully replace all animal products for all humans ?
Thank you in advance my friends.
First, you can check out this thread, in which the first post by Monica introduces how to transition easily:
Vegetarianism made E-Z
I have been strictly vegetarian for 19 years. I have not found I had to supplement with anything because of being vegetarian. I follow intuition and messages from my body and higher self, as anyone would do on any diet, due to specific individual needs which come up.
I will say, however, that I have always been interested in eating healthily. The bottom line is feeding the body with the highest quality sustenance. This in turn feeds the mind, and spirit. The intention of wanting the highest and healthiest sustenance, in the highest harmony with all life, will guide you.
I have told this before but it is relevant here: a friend of mine who professionally wrestled (TV WWF sort), was a huge, muscly body-builder after being raw vegan for many years. He is also spiritually oriented and a devoted meditator. Let me add that he was extremely healthy looking in every way. He no longer wrestles, but still maintains the body-building. He did not take any supplements at all that I recall. He even maintained that he got most of his water from the raw foods he was eating.
So you see, regardless of what the media, experts, and those opposed to a plant-based diet say, there need be no worries. If you were stranded on an island where only fruits and roots were available--you would thrive.
There are possible cleansing reactions as the body rids itself of the effects of meat (and all toxic foods in general) physically, emotionally, and energetically. This is to be expected. You can assist the cleansing process with good water, cleansing herbs (used in many colon-cleansing formulas), liver-toning herbs such as Milk Thistle, and kidney supporting herbs and foods.