06-25-2012, 10:11 PM
These entries by Pickle are so good that I thought I should bring them up once more. Chlorophyll is such an amazing, magical substance, and may hold the key evidence as to why a plant-based diet is ideal for human beings.
Contemplate the alchemical magic of changing sunlight into the ideal food which so closely resembles human blood. That this should be so is nothing short of miraculous.
Great stuff, Pickle. This should be required reading for all elementary schools.
These entries by Pickle are so good that I thought I should bring them up once more. Chlorophyll is such an amazing, magical substance, and may hold the key evidence as to why a plant-based diet is ideal for human beings.
Contemplate the alchemical magic of changing sunlight into the ideal food which so closely resembles human blood. That this should be so is nothing short of miraculous.
Quote:Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants which initiates photosynthesis by absorbing energy from sunlight and transferring this energy to other molecules. Chlorophyll causes carbon dioxide and water to combine into glucose. Chlorophyll contains enzymes and superoxide dismutase, a copper-containing protein found in mature red blood cells. This enzyme decomposes superoxide radicals in the body into a more manageable form, thereby helping to slow down the aging process. http://www.springboard4health.com/notebo...phyll.html
It was little more than a century ago that chemists isolated a green pigment from the green leaves of plants that they called chlorophyll. It wasn't until 1913 that a German chemist, Dr. Richard Willstatter, correctly identified the true function of chlorophyll. Dr. Willstatter pointed out that all energy comes from the sun and that green plants alone possess the secret of how to capture this solar energy. Out of this process stems much of what we know as life and growth. Man and animals consume this energy from plants as food.
.....we are told that chlorophyll and green vegetables control the calcium levels in our body. He suggests that women replenish their calcium by consuming more green vegetables and supplementing with chlorophyll since menstrual blood contains up to 40 times more calcium than our normal blood. He also noted that vitamin K was originally discovered in alfalfa juice and that chlorophyll is one of the richest known sources of this vitamin.
Chlorophyll is essential for healthy blood and the creation of healthy protein. Just like the in the elephant, the rhinoceros and the gorilla, healthy protein is made from healthy blood which is made from chlorophyll. It is also very anti-fungal.
Chlorella is a complete protein source. It is also packed with calories, fat, and vitamins. At its onset, Chlorella was suggested as a "dirt-cheap" protein supplement to the human diet. Chlorella advocates sometimes focus on other supposed health benefits of the algae, such as claims of weight control, cancer prevention, and immune system support.
Great stuff, Pickle. This should be required reading for all elementary schools.