Personally, I believe that any fantasy we have created and manifested into story, anything we can see in our minds eye, has and is happening somewhere in some place. In some dimension or reality or another. And I believe that Tolkien knew he had not just dreamed up a fantasy world, he helped create the endless possibiliteis of an entire universe. Middle Earth may have a completly diffrent set of stars in its sky and so the oppurtunity is infinite...
I also see the Fellowship as representig all Levels of coinsiousness, from the Hobbit (concerned mortal/human) through the higher vibration wanderers/ E.Ts (The elves and gandolf the grey/white) Representing our collective struggle from the ones who want to steal all power and demand worship/praise from others. The ring represnting all things material that we use to subsitiute the true power that lies within. Manifested to increase power and amplify the will of the user. We have a lot of this in our lives today. But the quest could not of been completed or even nescessary without the use or exsistance of this material. The bond that was created in the world from the defeat of the evil, destroying the watchful eye of the wicked and releasing the people of the world from its misery, could not have happend without this unique journey...
The enlightenment of a few, tralated into the enlightenment of the many... A tale as old as our perception of time itself Lol AdonaiNamaste11:11
Not to mention, the human triumph and return to the Throne!!! The Humans in the movie represent a special class of those whose heart and spirit were right for the rolls they would play. And eventually with help from the spirit real were able to return the power and order to Humanity and all other species...
I also see the Fellowship as representig all Levels of coinsiousness, from the Hobbit (concerned mortal/human) through the higher vibration wanderers/ E.Ts (The elves and gandolf the grey/white) Representing our collective struggle from the ones who want to steal all power and demand worship/praise from others. The ring represnting all things material that we use to subsitiute the true power that lies within. Manifested to increase power and amplify the will of the user. We have a lot of this in our lives today. But the quest could not of been completed or even nescessary without the use or exsistance of this material. The bond that was created in the world from the defeat of the evil, destroying the watchful eye of the wicked and releasing the people of the world from its misery, could not have happend without this unique journey...
The enlightenment of a few, tralated into the enlightenment of the many... A tale as old as our perception of time itself Lol AdonaiNamaste11:11
Not to mention, the human triumph and return to the Throne!!! The Humans in the movie represent a special class of those whose heart and spirit were right for the rolls they would play. And eventually with help from the spirit real were able to return the power and order to Humanity and all other species...