06-03-2012, 08:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 08:49 AM by godwide_void.)
I would like to very briefly interject and point out that the human form is but one of many vehicles animated by consciousness, however the extreme nature of the potential connection between the microcosm of man and the macrocosm moreso than any other microcosmic element is due to the particular capabilities we have been endowed with, namely that of abstract thought. Recall that thoughts become manifest and that the vibrational frequency of what is willed shall come to be attracted to the willer. Thus why, with out ability of having access to an essentially infinite range of thoughts and concepts we may formulate, do we give rise to a reality as infinitely various. The microcosmic form of man has a greater semblance of manifestation of macrocosmic representation and a more enhanced degree of connectivity than, say, a kitty, because we hold the ability necessary to conjure up the concept of microcosm and macrocosm and construct an in-depth mythos concerning the nature of reality, and indeed we are even afforded the opportunity to forge the concepts of "reality", "vibations", "experience", "spirit", "flesh", "transcendence", "polarity", "morality", "wisdom", "understanding", "expression", what have you. We may develop mannerisms. Personalities are formed. Beliefs arise. Theories are made. Speculations are held. Opinions come to be. Our entire realities are shaped by the thoughts we hold. Even going beyond the mental paradigms which distinguish the human from other forms of Earth-bound life, are the uniqueness and extreme flexibility of the physical vehicle. We are also not solely instinctual, though we are intuitive, but for the most part it is our technically unlimited scope of external navigation and internal experience that certifies our much higher and established connection and ability to generate the essence of the divine through the human form.
As above, so below. As we oftentimes create realities fraught with supposed paradoxes, contradictions, and misunderstandings amongst one another, these are indicative of the vast array of possibility of what may constitute "truth". We oftentimes interchange subjectivity with objective truth, and indeed our individual perspectives embed and solidify what is considered the foundational underlying truth for each of us. And oftentimes, our personal truths will clash with the personal truths of others, yet does this cause negation of either truth if those truths were founded upon what one has come to know as truth?
I will now bow out of the conversation for the time being as I am more fascinated in following the correspondence between the both of you, Shin'Ar and Azrael, as I always am when you both discourse, for many points to muse upon and extract wisdom and understanding from are begotten from your dialogues.
As above, so below. As we oftentimes create realities fraught with supposed paradoxes, contradictions, and misunderstandings amongst one another, these are indicative of the vast array of possibility of what may constitute "truth". We oftentimes interchange subjectivity with objective truth, and indeed our individual perspectives embed and solidify what is considered the foundational underlying truth for each of us. And oftentimes, our personal truths will clash with the personal truths of others, yet does this cause negation of either truth if those truths were founded upon what one has come to know as truth?
I will now bow out of the conversation for the time being as I am more fascinated in following the correspondence between the both of you, Shin'Ar and Azrael, as I always am when you both discourse, for many points to muse upon and extract wisdom and understanding from are begotten from your dialogues.