01-05-2010, 12:10 AM
(01-04-2010, 04:58 PM)MistaG Wrote: I'm not sure if many people here are familiar with Euler's Identity...
I think you can safely assume a broad range of mathematical understanding on this forum, everything from people who struggle with the arithmetic tasks of balancing a checkbook, and all the way up to people who don't dream in calculus because that would be far too simple for their minds!
Therefore your explanations using a combination of formulas, illustrations, storytelling and philosophy is likely to have "something for everyone." And I'm glad you take this approach.
Do you have an interest in learning how to be a deliberate, conscious channel? I see many times that the entities regret that they are not able to provide more detailed science and math answers. But they are simply not able to express concepts that have no parallel in the human's mind. With your perspective, I have to wonder if the entities might welcome your deliberately making yourself available for them to go deeper into such subjects than they can with many others.
Also, do you have any expertise in computer programming? Have you seen carrie's threads about her Law of One video game concept?