I recently started book 4 and found another striking similarity to S.H. on pg. 11,
If you look at Fig. 2 you'll see that I call out Q3 (which represents density 2 & 3) as being absent of choice. Choice defined in this scenario as nature ultimately having final say over personal desire or will. One way that we overcome this is through technology and science. Allowing us to slowly whittle away nature and gain more options.
While this might seem completely at odds with what Ra is saying it's important to understand when I say "End Choice" or "End Self" or "End Natural Exigency" it doesn't necessarily mean these things are entirely removed such that they no longer exist. For instance, overcoming self at the transition from Q3 to Q4 (or density 3 to 4) means complete self-empowerment and thus no reason to have to vie for "self" (to arrive at this conclusion requires an understanding of Fig. 3). Overcoming nature (i.e. End Natural Exigency) means complete control over an outcome irregardless of nature's rules. Likewise overcoming choice at the transition from Q2 to Q3 (density 1 to 2) means being in a situation where a person can will a particular outcome, but not see it manifest. Thus choice as enactment is extremely limited.
In understanding this it means that each quarter through the lack of a particular quality determines how it will manifest in its creation. Seen another way the lack of choice as enactment now determines how we attempt to bring such a thing in to existence. If you can understand this, it means that through the end of a particular quality the characteristic is fully realized and thus even stronger in someways than when it naturally did exist.
Meaning 3rd density is the truest form of personal choice, due to the veil, which allows for us to make a decision completely of our own design because we have no foreknowledge, lack hindsight, and possess minuscule power. Once all options become available the path becomes more clear and thus choice is gradually removed despite us having more power or choice to enact whatever we will on reality.
If you note in Fig. 2, Q4 through Q2, representing densities 4 - 8 as well as including the next 1st density (see Fig. 5), all have "Choice" activated. So this definitely corresponds with the idea of a continuous refining of choice.
Quote:Questioner: Then we have a third density that is, comparatively speaking, the twinkling of an eye, the snap of a finger in time compared to the others. Why is the third density cycled so extremely rapidly compared to the first and second?
Ra: I am Ra. The third density is a choice.
Questioner: Third density, then, compared to the rest of the densities, all of them, is nothing but a uniquely short period of what we consider to be time and is for the purpose of this choice. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the illusion and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice.
If you look at Fig. 2 you'll see that I call out Q3 (which represents density 2 & 3) as being absent of choice. Choice defined in this scenario as nature ultimately having final say over personal desire or will. One way that we overcome this is through technology and science. Allowing us to slowly whittle away nature and gain more options.
While this might seem completely at odds with what Ra is saying it's important to understand when I say "End Choice" or "End Self" or "End Natural Exigency" it doesn't necessarily mean these things are entirely removed such that they no longer exist. For instance, overcoming self at the transition from Q3 to Q4 (or density 3 to 4) means complete self-empowerment and thus no reason to have to vie for "self" (to arrive at this conclusion requires an understanding of Fig. 3). Overcoming nature (i.e. End Natural Exigency) means complete control over an outcome irregardless of nature's rules. Likewise overcoming choice at the transition from Q2 to Q3 (density 1 to 2) means being in a situation where a person can will a particular outcome, but not see it manifest. Thus choice as enactment is extremely limited.
In understanding this it means that each quarter through the lack of a particular quality determines how it will manifest in its creation. Seen another way the lack of choice as enactment now determines how we attempt to bring such a thing in to existence. If you can understand this, it means that through the end of a particular quality the characteristic is fully realized and thus even stronger in someways than when it naturally did exist.
Meaning 3rd density is the truest form of personal choice, due to the veil, which allows for us to make a decision completely of our own design because we have no foreknowledge, lack hindsight, and possess minuscule power. Once all options become available the path becomes more clear and thus choice is gradually removed despite us having more power or choice to enact whatever we will on reality.
Quote: The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice.
If you note in Fig. 2, Q4 through Q2, representing densities 4 - 8 as well as including the next 1st density (see Fig. 5), all have "Choice" activated. So this definitely corresponds with the idea of a continuous refining of choice.