05-26-2012, 05:17 PM
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0218.aspx Wrote:K: How is the harvest brought about as a mechanism? What determines the time for the harvest to occur? Does the harvest depend on a certain point of the zodiac transiting the center of the galaxy and, if so, what is the exact mechanism by which that harvest takes place?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother, though perhaps somewhat less able to express it in the precise terms which you request, for though such precision would be possible with other instruments we must content ourselves with the general statement that there is a clock-like mechanism, indeed, that is the cause, shall we say, for the harvest to occur as it does. For each energy focus, be it planetary, be it that of the Logos or any entity which exists as an individualized portion of the one Creator, will move in a spiraling fashion towards the light and the love of the one Creator. This movement is a progression of increasing awareness and expression of this awareness by the entities undertaking this process.
For those within your third-density illusion, the planetary progress, as this sphere which you call Earth moves through its own unfolding and position in the cosmic web of creation, will have those times during which the entities upon its surface and within its care will have the opportunity to demonstrate the level of apprehension of the unity of all things. Within this illusion the lessons of love and the ability to open the green-ray energy center to the experience about one and the identity, indeed, of oneself is the kind of energy expression that will find the opportunity to be harvested at regular intervals that are determined, as we stated, in a general fashion by this planet’s own progress and position and will be offered as well as each entity is able to become more consciously aware of the evolutionary process. So, for the entity which has been more successful in untangling the illusory nature of its own existence in this third density there is always the opportunity to harvest the self at any point within this density’s progress. Such entities are most likely, in the positive polarity, to remain with the planetary sphere until all of those of its kind are also harvestable …