05-25-2012, 12:39 PM
(05-25-2012, 11:39 AM)TheEternal Wrote: Are suggesting some such thing that "this town ain't big enough for the both of us"?
My point here being that, you have created an entirely artificial excuse to inhibit your own progress, by restricting yourself by the limitations of the "cabal". Outside of conspiracy theories, and of course obvious environmental damage, what do you really know about what is going on in the world? Most importantly, where do you find yourself in all this? Are you just one of the masses who cannot free itself from the grip of the Cabal, or are you one of those who is going to Light the way, and show that the Cabal is actually powerless? Whenever we believe in the Cabal and its ability to enslave us, we give it power, we give it energy, we enforce its reality. There is one thing for any individual or being to ATTEMPT to enslave another, but so long as you are aware of your fight, you are never enslaved.
Exactly it's all about concentrating on the here and now, the local community and the people you encounter. Worrying about anything outside of that is pointless procrastination. People spend so much energy fearing things that they will never actually encounter in there daily lives, terrorist being the blazing example.