(05-23-2012, 03:47 PM)Oldern Wrote: Awesome, awesome thread, Valtor. I resonate with this message.
Honestly, I have been a bit confused lately. I could write so much about it - will probably do in the next few days -, but it boils down to seeing the side of New Age presenting itself to me that I do not necessarily embrace: the side where we cry wolf, we name the Dark Ones, we Fight the Holier Then Thou War.
I have been reading channelings in the GalacticChannelings site, and all of them were, while overall positive, so unreadable and unclear, muddy, messed up messages of "oh, the Dark Ones are being arrested. They can no longer hold you back. Wait for us!", that I honestly started to question MY own sanity.
Then, a few days ago, when browsing the Daily Thread list, and so much of it was negatively oriented stuff (things that are bad to you, Illuminaty, degrading society, etc etc) that I had to sit down and think a lot about how this will go down.
Ultimately, one will have brick walls and opinions that bother him/her until one accepts that we will be united under the flag of Difference. That is the Divine Nature of Being. We have different fates, different viewpoints, different understandings, but by accepting that, we can destroy our own brick walls that we might present to others -and then, the Universe has no choice but to smile back.
By living under the 4d acceptance and Unconditional(!!!) love, we can live a life, enjoy a life, even with problems, and then we will ascend if we choose that that is where our highest joy lies in. We will have brick walls if we want to change others. We will have brick walls if we shake our heads in disbelief, saying: how could others do this and that? We will have brick walls if we love them. Because otherwise, we would have made walls out of clouds and love.
Sounds silly? That is exactly my point.
Thank you my friend.
I find GalacticChannelings more depressing than anything else. There is a lot of positive stuff in them, but they always remove me from the NOW, it's always something coming "soon". I don't know if it's their intent, probably not, otherwise the source of these would be STS.
"By living under the 4d acceptance and Unconditional(!!!) love, we can live a life, enjoy a life, even with problems..."
Indeed, that is how I feel too.
(05-23-2012, 06:05 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: What would be the sense in using algebra to solve a complex equation, when one knows calculus?
I was replying to your lengthy post, but then it disappeared.
"The Great Choice" that is made in 3d is for the unpolarized to either choose STO or STS. But those choosing STO are not excluding those choosing STS, they love them too. Only STS makes use of exclusion, because they love only their current Self. When we say All Is One, that's STO. When all you wish for is harmony, that's STO. When you can look at the world and can love all of it exactly in the state that it is, that's STO. Thinking that All Is Well, is STO. Loving unconditionally All There Is, is STO.
In your previous lengthy post you seemed to say that not doing anything to try to right the wrongs in our world is complacent and synonymous to not choosing. From my point of view, realizing that all is well and that there are no mistakes is very much choosing STO.
That said, I am doing something about the state of our world. First, I am working on my Self intensively and already I am not the same person that I was a couple years ago. Secondly, I concentrate my external efforts in informing people about the insanity that is the concept of money. Thirdly, I'm working on providing a working alternative to money, even if I feel we are not ready for this yet.
(05-23-2012, 06:13 PM)Liet Wrote: Living by 4th (5th, etz) density values is not something that require effort... it should come naturaly, otherwise you arent being honest to yourself.
Ones actions and thinking is equivalent to ones personality, if that personality is of a 4th density positive orientation (indigo with pink, green and or lightblue.. or just silver) just about everything you do may be classified as fourth density work.
I agree with you.
(05-23-2012, 06:23 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: What does living with 4D values look like? Can you describe it?
It's harmonious, it's peaceful, it's calm, it's not stressful, it flows easily. You can feel what your other selves are feeling to some extent. When they are angry, you understand the pain behind it that is feeding the anger. Your presence and the way you react (or not react) to this anger, disarms them and they can accept a bit of your harmony within their personal sphere.
When I do catch some mainstream news from the internet, I feel like I'm watching an act being played out. People cannot seem to imagine that they can simply choose what role they want to play. They feel they are victims and that they cannot do anything about it. Living by 4d values means that you realized there are no victims, you choose to experience harmony and so you do. You co-create it around you. Not all over the world, because you cannot choose for other selves, but around you all is well.