05-21-2012, 07:14 AM
(05-20-2012, 05:30 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I would advise against the wisdom of making public declarations where you swear off drugs and alcohol "forevermore".All theory aside, practice proves that these kinds of public declarations are very powerfull at causing change. If someone states with full conviction in public that he's done with something. That makes it more real to that person.. It makes the choice more likely to become permanent.
Quote:What I have experienced this leads to is for your subconscious mind to begin a process which eventually results in the attracting of a circumstance that, on the surface, appears as a "test".Any change leads to this process. Whether or not the choice is made out loud is irrelevant, any change intended by the individual will result in the attraction of that test...
And this is good. This test is what we should strive for and prepare for, this test is the key to change. This test is when we say "YES" to the change. Before the test all we've said was "I WANT"...
The test is to be desired the test is how you change. If you avoid the test forever you may fail when you advertantly encounter it. But if you strive to get the test at your own term and time the chance to success is enormous, and this is what causes a change of habits in the long run.
Quote:Again paradoxically, whether or not the test is "passed" or "failed", the outcome is to further embed yourself in the very pattern from which you would like to transcend.Not really, failing means you return to the old pattern without embedding yourself deeper. In fact it has been demonstrated that quitting an addiction is a learned process. If you've failed to quit 10 times, then by no means you should give up, the 11'th time is actually easier.
This means that even failing to kick a habbit releases us from this habit in the long run. We just have to keep at it a little longer that's all...
I am aware of the problem of Not and the subconscious.. However, this works on a very simple level, by deciding you're done with something, deciding that you're something new does not mean you implicitly say NOT to the subconscious.
If you repeat "I do not need weed" 100 times in a row there is a good chance you end up craving a joint. That is true. But if you say "I am done with it, I am free" 100 times there's a good chance you end up happy and relieved and far far away from desiring a joint...
The theory about being everything, applied to kicking a habit is the same as the theory of being everywhere applied to public transport... If the goal is to cause change in your 3d organism. The realization that 3d self is part of a larger higher self is helpfull, but this in itself will not cause any change.
Being all does not mean you're everything in the here and now or should be... I am not an abuser, I am not STS, I am someone who lives with and in support of people. My basic attitude is love. These are clear choices about who I am and thus also define who I am not. The reason is that I intend to be something in 3d. And to be something in 3d I must also define what I am not...
The fact that I am all that is does not contradict this. A healthy organism requires that it's parts do their individual functions... There's a problem in people when their different bodies do not all function properly.
There are animalistic people who have no clue about reason or spirituality they live simply in the now and their basic motivators are consumption and instinctual or emotional triggers. There are those who live in the reason they starve their animal selves and have no sense of spirituality these people are motivated by intellectual ideas of what is right and what is wrong. Logic dictates their actions not feelings or spirituality. And then there are those who live fully in the spiritual, they starve their animal and mind bodies. They're very angelic... but almost pointless in life, they need a dose of reality injected into them and invariably get into trouble.
These are just three of endless variations of people.. The point I am making is that you should obey your instincts, follow your hormones. Tempered by your mind, use rational thought to get from a to b.. And temper this with your soul, so that A and B are goals that elevate your soul...
Sometimes this means you say "I am this... Not that..."
If you use drugs you feed your animal body. The mind rationalizes that there are spiritual teachings in it. And the spirit will feed you spiritual teachings. But the mind follows the body and the spirit does it's own thing. It is better to have the body follow the mind and have that follow the spirit.