05-18-2012, 04:38 AM
Make sure you also watch the video below, Jaime Maussan talks about crop circles among others, in regards to this eclipse and the Mayan calendar...
"The ancient Egyptians also singled out the Pleiades as a female goddess, probably most often recognized as Neith, the “divine mother”, or Hathor, who took on the form of a cow (who carried the seeds of life). Pyramidologists working in Egypt in the last twelve years have found pyramidal texts that suggest the Egyptians revered the Pleiades as a higher divine star system, especially Alcyone, its brightest star.”
<- this is especially interesting, since a lot of sources have been mentioning a return to the divine feminine, to replace the old patriarchical system once and for all.
And then we have the upcoming Venus transit on June 5th, even more feminine energy coming in, it seems
yes on my computer it says I posted it on 1:11, I guess that must be Louisville time, I have not changed it to my local time
"The ancient Egyptians also singled out the Pleiades as a female goddess, probably most often recognized as Neith, the “divine mother”, or Hathor, who took on the form of a cow (who carried the seeds of life). Pyramidologists working in Egypt in the last twelve years have found pyramidal texts that suggest the Egyptians revered the Pleiades as a higher divine star system, especially Alcyone, its brightest star.”
<- this is especially interesting, since a lot of sources have been mentioning a return to the divine feminine, to replace the old patriarchical system once and for all.
And then we have the upcoming Venus transit on June 5th, even more feminine energy coming in, it seems
yes on my computer it says I posted it on 1:11, I guess that must be Louisville time, I have not changed it to my local time