05-17-2012, 07:58 AM
(05-17-2012, 07:15 AM)Oldern Wrote: Oh, Godwide, you are amazing.
(yep, good job, now I made this silly post as page 2 starter..lol.)
Regardless, I cant stress the importance of not thinking with Lower/Higher stuff. BECAUSE THOSE ARE RELATIVE TERMS! No matter where you are, you are a "lower" to something, and you are a "higher" to something as well! Because you are in the focus point. You are the middle point. Everything is that, simultaneously. That is the most important thing to consider - and the least important as well. Until it becomes everything. Then nothing...then everything again.
Yes, and this is the true meaning behind "As above, So below"
Microcosm /macrocosm
BUt there is still direction, choice, fragmentation and individual experience set into the Process and design of the universe.
the is One Consciousness behind the fabric of existence, the intelligence behind the All, the Source, but the design that intelligence has put into motion is one of duality. polarity and fragmented experiences.
We cannot acknowledge the One without acknowledging the All.
we cannot understand Creator without accepting its design and placing ourselves within it's process.
We cannot cancel out our individual aspect of the collective in order to acknowledge our unity with it.
we cannot say that we are One, if we are not willing to accept that One is many.
And we cannot say that we are the Creator if we are denying the Design of the Creator.