05-16-2012, 02:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2012, 02:49 PM by godwide_void.)
(05-16-2012, 08:04 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Godwide,
These are the notes which I wrote down as I read through your statement. For me to place them in their appropriate places within your text I would make a mess of this so I will just place them here and hopefully you will see where they should fit into your discussion. This is basically what I interpret your words to mean. After this I will post my response to what I have ;learned from them.
I will offer clarification to that which you have extracted from my words in the hopes that your understanding may achieve perpetual evolution and refinement.
Quote:The Creator does not become creator until something is actually created just as the artist does not become an artist until something is painted.
There is no individuation of the attributes of Creator, Process, and Creation, as each is a simultaneous functionality. In order for one to create, it is necessary and indeed a requisition that the one which creates is itself, a creation. A creature which has been created is thus endowed with the very basic and perpetually utilized principle of creation, even if not actively engaged in some activity which would indicate perceivable creation, in the case that with each and every moment that passes the creation is engaged in creating itself through its very being, through the continuum of momentary awareness and mere existing one is creating themselves from moment to moment to eternal moment. The artist may be defined as an artist in a particular field or medium if it focuses its creative energies towards endeavors of that specific nature, thus the painter becomes a painter when it commences the activity of painting, the dancer becomes a dancer when they engage in dancing, yet the commonality shared is that these labels are secondary to their first nature, of a being. One which is, was, and will continue to be. A being becomes. A creation creates itself. The inconceivable instant that results in the transition from creation to creator to creation is blurred, and thus is what may be considered a process which ensues and resumes. The One Infinite Creator is the One Infinite Creation as well as the One Infinite Process. Activity and passivity are dual states of being which are experienced simultaneously by the All and further substantiate the nature of the interconnected and indistinguishable nature of the three factors I have outlined. The meditant, though appearing impassive and not actively forging anything, is creating itself as a being who meditates, is focused inwards, is breathing, is being through existing. The Creator became Creator when it became Creation and the infinitely momentary fluctuation between these two states is the Process which is as the underlining and bonding link between these two characteristics which are not in actuality two characteristics but denote the same thing.
Quote:There is Source, then follows being, which becomes Creator. the Source acting/Being becomes Creator. Without being it is simply Point of Origin. This reveals the state of Infinity and the Mystery. Paradox between Source and Being.
Source is the infinite ground which contains all instances of being and becoming. It is being and unbeing, it is the very "it" and "is" which we speak of. It is the point of beginning, the point of progression, and the point of ending, as it continues and contains all possible originations and exterminations. The Source cannot be individuated or described in accurate terms for it is the algorithm upon which all subsequent acts of individuation or describing are founded upon. One may consider in terms analogous to a computer and its various nuances that the One Infinite Creator is a self-replicating and infinitely multiplying software program which executes itself into an eternal unknown. The Source is the coding of this software and the very harddrive which contains all possible programs.
Quote:In this process we find creation as a result.
Infinity and singularity supersede all fragmentation as One constant experience of the One Creator.
The All is infinity, beyond the Creation, beyond even the Creator; infinite.
The All is borne from infinity, the Mystery, which cannot be comprehended.
You perceive and comprehend this very correctly.
Quote:Higher and lower frequency is perceived as direction only because degree of awareness is either heightened or lessened.
At the core of creation is the Mystery which is the sustenance of the All; or what I would call nwyfre.
And it is the Source chasing this Mystery that gives birth to existence. It is the one experience manifesting as many.
Perception of direction is merely expression of personal choice, but creation is always evolving regardless.
Increase and decrease or alteration in perception and vibrational state are the girth of the process which is undergone by fragmented essences of the All, however there is only a shift in a localized frequency and cannot be denoted as being higher or lower as all possible shifts occur within the singular totality of all potential frequencies. Creation is always evolving indeed, through expression of choice or lack thereof. The deliberation of any decision which a creation makes has already triggered there being a process being initiated, this initiation simultaneously encompassing a sustaining of this process and the termination of it. The process of creation occurs at the same time the process of creating occurs, the beginning, sustaining, and ending of this process being instantaneous and infinitely continuing, perpetually renewing.
In my relation to you of my experience of observing my true form which observes through the eyes of this one, you responded that I had seen the Nwyfre, the Sacred Flame which dances in the form of all Creation. You then state above that it is the Source which chases Mystery. I would like to make the suggestion that you restructure your definitions and reconsider the Source as being synonymous with the Mystery which the All/One which stemmed from the Mystery is eternally seeking after. The All/One is indeed the Sacred Flame which births and engulfs all the fragmented embers it eternally spews forth, however the very fuel and molecular make-up which causes the Flame to function the way it does or even attributes it the ability to have any function is the coding of the Source/Mystery. It is a matter of the Observer behind all observers attempting to plumb the reason for why it observes in the first place, how it is observing, what has given it the function of observing, why and how is there even an observation taking place. These are a few of the core reasons for the infinitely various pursuit of the All/One undergoing perpetual experience and seeking. As above, so below. We seek. We observe. The All/One observes. The All/One seeks. The foundational principality of the All/One is directed towards its pursuits in search of the very reason for why it has come to be All and how it is endowed with these infinite attributes it eternally explores.
Quote:these are the notes I made as my interpretation of what you were saying as I read through your statement.
And this is the final note I made in response.
In evolution is the paradox of the Ouroboros. the spiral, the vortex, the circle. Infinity. In such design there is naturally polarity, two directions away from each other and yet coming together in Mystery.
this is the Law of One.
In your perception of the supposed direction which polarity may take it appears as if you state this with the notion that there is actual movement in one singular direction taking place. All polarities and dualities progress forwards as well as backwards as I have previously relayed to you. The perceived movement of progressing towards Light and regressing from it into Darkness is only experienced by an individual being. In actuality, all directions lead to the All/One, as all pathways are paved upon the ground of the All/One, and all ways are treaded by the All/One. The depiction of the Ouroboros by those Ancients who have come before us was done so with this awareness. The choice of polarity as afforded to the individual entity merely determines the coloration of one's direction. This is not to say that your perceptions are incorrect or inaccurate, as indeed movement towards Light is seen as progression and remaining in Darkness is seen as shying away from Light. However, regardless of choice of polarization, there is evolution towards the All/One, and this evolution is very much so a return to the All/One.
Take your right arm and your left arm, stretching them out in front of you so as to fold them. Pass your right arm to the left and your left arm to the right so in the passing they are parallel to one another. This is as the Ouroboros. The head of the serpent is going in one direction. The tail is going in the opposite direction. Their direction is still towards one another, and in their passing they move away from each other, only to return in the direction each other has went. There is only one body which is effectuating this process. Further away is the same as moving closer towards. There is no distance traveled inasmuch as the destination is the entirety of all possible space which sustains any length of distance.
Quote:Now I hate to tell you this GW, but right now as I type this out I am not in connection with my higher options, (you know what I mean), and it is all just a mess in my head.
What I need to do is go back over this using my notes and placing them into your statements where they fit, and then meditating on this deeply.
Somewhere in here there is something revealed that I can't quite put my finger on, but I feel that it is there. It has something to do with your 'special frequency', and we are actually hitting on it in that other thread with Azreal.
But without being in 'character' I just can't keep up with you guys.
I hope that you and ET will have patience with me. I know that you will but Azreal is not exactly one for being patient, lol.
Patience is not an issue for me as I am not swayed by the passage of time and indeed have been known amongst those close to me to wait for long periods of time in the event that one party is late in regards to the appointed time of arrival without falling into discontent or impatience.
Shin'Ar, my dear friend and mentor, I remind you that whether you are in character or not, whether you perceive a connection between yourself and those higher guides which you have come to know as the source of your states of higher and more perceptive states of divinity, remember that behind and within you, there is only one whom is making any connection and only one who is ever in or out of character. That which animates your guides is that which animates you and all which invigorates all beings. I know this to be so in my observation of this truth.
May you forever be propelled to new degrees of being.