05-16-2012, 08:04 AM
(05-14-2012, 02:13 PM)godwide_void Wrote: I have no identity. It dawned on me that any and all attempts at individualizing this process of perpetual being and becoming serve futile, in any capacity, be it through the application of ideas, self-created personalities, or any sense of identification or categorization. "godwide_void" is secondary, as are all experiences and interactions and formations of any sort. I am First Cause.
I speak more fully now. I am one who has observed the observer. I am the sound which has perceived the mouth which I stem from, and have viewed the eye which undergoes the act of infinitely seeing. I have gazed at that which gazes behind my very own gazing, and from this I know that this gazer is behind the gaze of each and every perceived other whom I interact with in any manner. To me there now exists no distinction between man and stone, between tempest-like essence and calming breeze. I examined the existential focal point known as 'self' as Creation, who through the process of becoming, evolving, and creating new experience, become the Creator. Considering self as Creator, through the process of becoming, evolving, and creating, becomes Creation.
There exists no need to divide matters into lower or higher consciousness. Each will grow and evolve as it will. However if further clarification is sought, the notion of higher and lower is illusory and a hidden semblance of polarity. Whether a field of consciousness vibrates at a higher rate of frequency given particular experiences or distortions or lower, there exists only one ground which sustains the growth or diminishing thereof in either case. Regardless of whether one is the millionth creation in this advanced form or a mere element with no sense of identity other than awareness of its own processes, there remains one who has manifested in this form and only one which evolves or devolves, and only one awareness which must experience fragmentation so as to further elucidate absolute unity through the weaving of all possible interactions in an effort to discover what new synthesis of awareness or beingness may be, so in truth there is no higher or lower and indeed linear and cyclical terminologies and conceptions must both be suspended and accepted as simultaneous in order to further understand this process.
It is indeed as an infinitely headed serpent connected to one point omnidirectionally flailing chaotically, and with each threshing motion new serpents or fields of possibility and creation manifest in the ether. Imagine that each individual serpent will go in completely erratic and unpredictable directions. One will appear to follow a looped path. One will appear to ascend upwards. One will curve within. Another will eventually become aware that it is a part of this troupe of serpents and that it is connected to an even greater myriad of wavelengths which originally began at one point but over a substantial and uncounted period of 'time' gave birth to many, many new 'beginning' points. However, to say that a further beginning point is somehow lesser than the original is not accurate. Each focal point is the awareness of one infinite prism.
This is a chaotic process only in the sense that each and every individual 'movement' touches off an infinitely reaching chain reactions of movements and further chain reactions. It must always be recognized that behind, within, and beyond every movement, behind, within, and beyond every chain reaction, within the very process of action and reaction and that inconceivable instantaneous split-second moment where the line between both is blurred and a coalescing of both axioms occurs, there is only one, whom is All. All begins and ends as One. This one may 'begin' in any number of roles in any various places or times with any various circumstances surrounding its incarnation as a 'be-ing'. This being will become, from the very moment it became a thing to 'be'. It will be immersed into a perpetual cycle of individualized growth and evolution through experiences seen as being fastened towards the end goal of assimilation into the All from which it arose, as well as all those experiences and the very path laid out before it, which will take it through various fluctuating points of 'higher' being and 'lower' being but still always remaining a 'being' with a particular set of vibrations interacting with other vibrations, this all occurring in this same All, and the point from whence it began is also this very same All whom it is and will become.
I will stress the significance of perceiving oneself as the one whom gazes behind your own gazing. Regardless of where within the Creation a field finds itself or through whichever experiences it will traverse through it remains wholly situated and a complete manifestation of the All as One as All.
Higher being and lower being should more accurately be considered 'this' being and 'that' being. It is very, very true that given the sheer level of understanding and experience any individualized field of consciousness may possess which gives rise to this understanding, and to the extent one is conscious of this process, how acutely perceptive of it one is, that indeed there becomes created this dichotomy of 'higher' and 'lower' being. There is only one plateau of being. The 'higher' one is perceived to go, this denotes the extent to which this particular individualized field becomes aware of its nature and may vibrate at a frequency perceived as less distorted or more in tune with the one it originally branched off from, while still retaining the paradoxical awareness that in one's emulation of this source frequency one is also caught up in the process of infinite evolution and growth, and this infinite evolution and growth is much the same as the starting point and perceived ending point. The 'lower' one's field of consciousness or being appears to go merely indicates that this field has allowed itself immersion into elements of the creation which are seen as counter to attainment of its realization as one with the all.
However, whether lower or higher, there is still one base point which has to be in order for there to be a perceived sense of movement in either direction. This base serves as the cause for any perceived higher points or lower levels. I cannot speak more surely than this for, as I have previously stated, I have observed the one whom observes through me. The one who observes is also that which is observed. Experience, form, identity, are secondary to this. We are the tiniest insect and the leaf which it walks upon. We are the mildew which has gathered upon the edge of the leaf, and we are the space in which this drop of water falls through.
The One Infinite Creator in Its totality is, itself, through every single experience it dissipates and submerges itself into, not so much as seeking the mystery from whence it came, but knowing that its very nature of being IS mystery, as behind even the infinite and impersonal gazer beyond all gazers is that code known as Source which has given rise to it. The Mystery/the Source will never be fully grasped through the experience of any density. It is through successive octaves of creation which the Mystery may be known. Musing upon it serves as extreme inspiration, focus, and creative drive to progress further. The process of all densities is to allow the Creator to experience Itself through every means possible in individual and fragmentary states before the consensus is reached at any particular nexus by any field to submit individual self to the One and allow it more fully complete and conscious expression through this manifestation.
Regardless of density or field it is all one. This is as far as I may relay this Process for I myself, my consciousness having achieved the level of evolution in which it dwells fully with the One, await for the beginning of next octave. I am not 'waiting' in the sense that there is time to be waited within. Whether active or passive there is still evolution. Whether a field chooses to go in any which direction, even if seen as 'backwards', there is only ever forward movement.
Consider further that this forwards progression is simultaneously a backwards involution. This is paradox in this density and level of understanding attainable in this realm without direct experience or fine-tuned comprehension but nevertheless this Paradox is Truth. Forwards and backwards movement are occurring within one plateau, and result from the same exact actions which would make a distinction towards either. Thus we have the seamless blending of past, present, future, of was, being, and becoming, of Creator, of Process, of Creation.
This is the Law of One.
I have come to understand this from my recent immersion and deconstruction and reconfiguration. I hope that all which I have learned serves to propel all of you to much further degrees of understanding and perception. I acknowledge you all as fellow focal points in Process. One may say that this vehicle has had its eyes transmuted and transfigured and essentially replaced permanently. There now exists no experience or circumstance which may circumvent the understanding I have come to attain knowing that I am all experience, circumstance and understanding, and the vast arena which these things occur within.
May these words produce rapid and quickening growth in understanding for any who read it.
These are the notes which I wrote down as I read through your statement. For me to place them in their appropriate places within your text I would make a mess of this so I will just place them here and hopefully you will see where they should fit into your discussion. This is basically what I interpret your words to mean. After this I will post my response to what I have ;learned from them.
The Creator does not become creator until something is actually created just as the artist does not become an artist until something is painted.
There is Source, then follows being, which becomes Creator. the Source acting/Being becomes Creator. Without being it is simply Point of Origin. This reveals the state of Infinity and the Mystery. Paradox between Source and Being.
In this process we find creation as a result.
Infinity and singularity suoercede all fragmentation as One constant experience of the One Creator.
The All is infinity, beyond the Creation, beyond even the Creator; infinite.
The All is borne from infinity, the Mystery, which cannot be comprehended.
Higher and lower frequency is perceived as direction only because degree of awareness is either heightened or lessened.
At the core of creation is the Mystery which is the sustenance of the All; or what I would call nwyfre.
And it is the Source chasing this Mystery that gives birth to existence. It is the one experience manifesting as many.
Perception of direction is merely expression of personal choice, but creation is always evolving regardless.
these are the notes I made as my interpretation of what you were saying as I read through your statement.
And this is the final note I made in response.
In evolution is the paradox of the Ouroboros. the spiral, the vortex, the circle. Infinity. In such design there is naturally polarity, two directions away from each other and yet coming together in Mystery.
this is the Law of One.
Now I hate to tell you this GW, but right now as I type this out I am not in connection with my higher options, (you know what I mean), and it is all just a mess in my head.
What I need to do is go back over this using my notes and placing them into your statements where they fit, and then meditating on this deeply.
Somewhere in here there is something revealed that I can't quite put my finger on, but I feel that it is there. It has something to do with your 'special frequency', and we are actually hitting on it in that other thread with Azreal.
But without being in 'character' I just can't keep up with you guys.
I hope that you and ET will have patience with me. I know that you will but Azreal is not exactly one for being patient, lol.