05-14-2012, 12:14 AM
Quote:In my experience there is definitely something to the old adage that "when your ears ring someone is talkking about you". For me this has been a definite onset of a discrete tone, usually "just beneath" one ear or the other, almost never both, and the sensation is that the tone occurs just inside the skull. On some occasions, I have been able to verify immedately or shortly after that someone was referring to me... sometimes in a "good" way, sometimes in a "bad" way, more often than not something of no obvious judgemental valence as far as I know.
Since I have seen that there is at least some correlation, my working assumption is that whenever there is this sudden onset of tone, someone somewhere is directing attention toward me. I am wondering if there is a practical way to decode this; so that I might be able to reckon who it is and what do they want? So far, I have not been able to determine the significance of various level of tone, either high or low, louder or vague, wavering or steady, left ear or right.
The tones do vary across all those dimensions, typically they are well above Middle C by at least an octave, generally much more, never below. Usual the onset is quite sudden, with the initial volume being the loudest, then it fases to a steady or wavering tone, coming in an out, though it does not always follow that pattern.... often these tones occur as a more gradually coming to maximum volume (over several seconds, say, as oposed to a fraction of a second). Very occasionally two such tones will occur at once.
Do these tones have anything to do with the generally backround hiss (kind of like a pink noise) which is always (for me) there? I assume that this latter, which does change character over time (location, pitch, sometimes has two locations) is just operating noise, either in the nervous system or the etheric system. On some OBEs I have had, this hiss "dialates" into a sound like a raging wind.
Also, in yet a different phenomena which seems very possible related, various "psychis" report that when they hear their guides or other spirits talking, it is "way up high on the register" and very fast, as though artificially speeded up on tape. I have read of that in widely different sources. Tom Harmer in his Native American book "What I Have Always Known", and Sylvia come immediately to mind; I think Ilene Garrett also said something to that effect as well. http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthr...ed-matters