I've come to think of myself as my own god, and while I've built myself on the template of Jesus, it is his teaching, as well as with the LOO, to rid yourself of fear, so as to live every moment in love, and radiate that love! I can't say I'm big on sacrifice, though I have sacrificed much more than I've intended.. I don't believe it's my destiny to sacrifice my physical vehicle.. My point is, we all have our own paths, and to flow with the energy of the universe with as little fear and doubt as possible, to the point of expelling or accepting it completely, is to experience a lighter way of living. and not have to live up to the, from our perspective, expectations of another light-teacher.
They are an example of love, but all in all, we all set our own example. Trust yourself and follow your bliss and dreams. Knowing that, I fear not what I may accomplish.
They are an example of love, but all in all, we all set our own example. Trust yourself and follow your bliss and dreams. Knowing that, I fear not what I may accomplish.