05-03-2012, 09:05 AM
I often receive visits from my negative friends. I also have had several doom n' gloom, end-world scenario-type of dreams. These were always accompanied by the visitations.
I don't know what you mean by lucid dream exactly since you were the observer and were not consciously altering the dream at whim. I take it that you were consciously aware that the dream was a dream.
Dreams are a very difficult (and broad) topic to discuss because it's so hard to relate to the dreams of others in a practical manner. I myself have to make a distinction between:
- regular "dreams" (as it is generally understood by most people—of little to no importance/value; a mere "entertainment")
- time/space dreams (which are the residual image, so to speak, of real interactions in time/space with other entities—most of which are with 3D human entities in my case; many of whom I have never met in space/time, and some of whom I am profoundly connected to in this current incarnative experience)
- lucid dreaming (somewhat related to the above; here one is aware of the dream and does as he pleases, changing things, travelling places, etc)
- atral travel/vision (these are somewhat similar/related to the aforementioned; only that it seems to be more personally subjective; but there are common elements such as the typical "wormhole.")
- epiphanies (through which I would have learned something "new" upon awakening back into space/time)
- visionary dreams (as in "prophetic visions" of past/future probable events, whether individually, socially or planetary)
- "implanted" dreams (courtesy of my negative friends—I always have the sensation of being surveiled/observed prior to, during, and/or after these dreams, followed by the acute sensation of being tampred with, or otherwise violated/infringed in some way—many of these are extremely nightmarish, and some of them feel extremely artificial/alien—also note that in these dreams I am always awake and aware of the interference and the "alien" visit—and many time I visually see my visitor/s).
- abductions (self-explanatory)
I suggest keeping a diary of dreams. I have done so for years now and it has dramatically intensified the "dream experience"—richer, more vivid, and accurate remembering; greater profoundity of dream "quality," etc.
All I know is that I wouldn't want to interpret dreams for anyone. I have often been asked to, but this is incredibly difficult because I wasn't "there." More than the visual imagery, I lack the mental/emotional and/or spiritual stimuli and intensity. I think it is quite impossible to accurately interpret another's dream unless you are also able to experience it yourself to some degree.
I often receive visits from my negative friends. I also have had several doom n' gloom, end-world scenario-type of dreams. These were always accompanied by the visitations.
I don't know what you mean by lucid dream exactly since you were the observer and were not consciously altering the dream at whim. I take it that you were consciously aware that the dream was a dream.
Dreams are a very difficult (and broad) topic to discuss because it's so hard to relate to the dreams of others in a practical manner. I myself have to make a distinction between:
- regular "dreams" (as it is generally understood by most people—of little to no importance/value; a mere "entertainment")
- time/space dreams (which are the residual image, so to speak, of real interactions in time/space with other entities—most of which are with 3D human entities in my case; many of whom I have never met in space/time, and some of whom I am profoundly connected to in this current incarnative experience)
- lucid dreaming (somewhat related to the above; here one is aware of the dream and does as he pleases, changing things, travelling places, etc)
- atral travel/vision (these are somewhat similar/related to the aforementioned; only that it seems to be more personally subjective; but there are common elements such as the typical "wormhole.")
- epiphanies (through which I would have learned something "new" upon awakening back into space/time)
- visionary dreams (as in "prophetic visions" of past/future probable events, whether individually, socially or planetary)
- "implanted" dreams (courtesy of my negative friends—I always have the sensation of being surveiled/observed prior to, during, and/or after these dreams, followed by the acute sensation of being tampred with, or otherwise violated/infringed in some way—many of these are extremely nightmarish, and some of them feel extremely artificial/alien—also note that in these dreams I am always awake and aware of the interference and the "alien" visit—and many time I visually see my visitor/s).
- abductions (self-explanatory)
I suggest keeping a diary of dreams. I have done so for years now and it has dramatically intensified the "dream experience"—richer, more vivid, and accurate remembering; greater profoundity of dream "quality," etc.
All I know is that I wouldn't want to interpret dreams for anyone. I have often been asked to, but this is incredibly difficult because I wasn't "there." More than the visual imagery, I lack the mental/emotional and/or spiritual stimuli and intensity. I think it is quite impossible to accurately interpret another's dream unless you are also able to experience it yourself to some degree.