12-27-2009, 05:46 PM
Okay, I've got some free time on my hands, so I'll do the best I can to summarize David's points, which are pretty complex. Doing this will also probably help me to integrate what he's really trying to say. Also, I may not be able do this in the most organized way, so forgive me if it seems a little scattered. I'll start with a couple of details about the norway spiral, and then try to put it in historical/political context.
So First, if you trace the blue tail of the spiral to its source, it lands on the EISCAT base in Norway. The white sea, where the rocket was shot off, is too far away for the spiral to be seen in Norway, and nobody in Russia reported seeing the spiral. This is something I think Hoagland figured out. There is a photo on divinecosmos and on Hoagland's site showing this eiscat base. It is a field of high-powered antennae. When you look at records of power usage for that day, the eiscat base is operating at full power-one gigawatt, at the same time that the spiral manifests, and the tequila sunrise experiment is scheduled for that same time. In addition, someone calculated that the arms of the spiral were continuously moving at a speed too quick for it to be rocket exhaust. it was faster than the sound barrier-and we would have heard a sonic boom.
David's insider sources tell him that the spiral is exactly what "bluebeam" looks like- bluebeam, which I think may be interchangeable with HAARP, is a technology that heats up the ions in the air, and can be used to modify weather and potentially create a shield against airborne weapons. There is also speculation that this technology can create holographic images in the sky. There was a news report in India a couple of years ago about HAARP, saying that when tests were done it created a spiraling bulls-eye shape in the air. These results were seen at facilities using around 3 megawatts of power. There are openly available records of power usage at the EISCAT facility for the morning of the spiral, showing that they were operating at full power-1 gigawatt, for the 10 mins. when the spiral manifested. If they were indeed using HAARP, we would theoretically see a much bigger and more powerful version of the experiments written about in the Indian press, which depict spiraling light in the sky. One more thing- Up north there is a greater density of particles in the air, hence the Aurora borealis phenomenon. On Dec. 9 the air was supposed to have more particles than any other day of the year, which is why they chose to conduct the experiment then.
There was a also a sighting of a blurry tetrahedral ufo above the Kremlin on the same day, and David thinks this was created using a holographic technology that works best when the air is full of particles- which is why they would have done that on the same day as the spiral.
Apparently Russia and Norway are playing for the same team. The bulva missile is shot off in Russia around the same time may have been a test of the effectiveness of haarp technology in disabling rockets.
Now-there is more significance to this than simply Russians trying out their new toys, and this is where it ties into the Nobel ceremony.
There are 3 major forces that have been fighting for world power: the Rockefeller/neocon/republican/big corperations faction, the Rothschild/Bolshevik/Zionist faction, and a new international group who are trying to overthrow these two "negative" groups. This new group includes the Chinese, Japanese, Northern Europeans, and is centered in Russia. It developed in Russia many years ago when the Bolsheviks were thrown out of power. This new group believes that we are part of a large universe with many extraterrestrial species that are highly spiritually advanced, and that man's only option for survival is to work together to create a peaceful, spiritually grounded, non-warring planet. They are trying to wrest control away from the rockefellers and rothschilds who have been controlling the planet for so long. They believe that the important first step is disclosure of UFO info. Obama, because of his now widely accepted position in the world is the man for the job, yet the white house has not yet made a public announcement. These displays in Norway and Russia are meant to push the process along- get the disclosure to happen. Get more people around the world asking questions.
There were a bunch of crop circles flagging the date 8/16/08 as an important date. Nothing significant seemed to happen that day, although this was the day that the conflict between Russia and Georgia ended. We later find out that on this day, US forces fled Georgia in a hurry, leaving behind a few vans full of highly classified cia documents. These documents get into the hands of the Russians, and thus this new positive international coalition. The documents probably include all sorts of technological information- including bluebeam, hologram technology, and who knows what else.
The December 9th display is like the guys fighting to free us all saying "we know what you know, we are now more powerful than you, and if you don't surrender and tell the world about ETs and new technologies, we will do it for you."
So in summary, this seems to be a sign that we will soon be freed from the control of the negative powers that try to enslave us through poverty and fear, and will soon be introduced to our larger galactic community.
I think this is kind of the core of what Wilcock is saying, and I'm obviously not able to mention, or even remember, everything that He talks about.
hope this helps!
These things can get pretty complicated, but amidst the complexity we are always one, and I love you all!
So First, if you trace the blue tail of the spiral to its source, it lands on the EISCAT base in Norway. The white sea, where the rocket was shot off, is too far away for the spiral to be seen in Norway, and nobody in Russia reported seeing the spiral. This is something I think Hoagland figured out. There is a photo on divinecosmos and on Hoagland's site showing this eiscat base. It is a field of high-powered antennae. When you look at records of power usage for that day, the eiscat base is operating at full power-one gigawatt, at the same time that the spiral manifests, and the tequila sunrise experiment is scheduled for that same time. In addition, someone calculated that the arms of the spiral were continuously moving at a speed too quick for it to be rocket exhaust. it was faster than the sound barrier-and we would have heard a sonic boom.
David's insider sources tell him that the spiral is exactly what "bluebeam" looks like- bluebeam, which I think may be interchangeable with HAARP, is a technology that heats up the ions in the air, and can be used to modify weather and potentially create a shield against airborne weapons. There is also speculation that this technology can create holographic images in the sky. There was a news report in India a couple of years ago about HAARP, saying that when tests were done it created a spiraling bulls-eye shape in the air. These results were seen at facilities using around 3 megawatts of power. There are openly available records of power usage at the EISCAT facility for the morning of the spiral, showing that they were operating at full power-1 gigawatt, for the 10 mins. when the spiral manifested. If they were indeed using HAARP, we would theoretically see a much bigger and more powerful version of the experiments written about in the Indian press, which depict spiraling light in the sky. One more thing- Up north there is a greater density of particles in the air, hence the Aurora borealis phenomenon. On Dec. 9 the air was supposed to have more particles than any other day of the year, which is why they chose to conduct the experiment then.
There was a also a sighting of a blurry tetrahedral ufo above the Kremlin on the same day, and David thinks this was created using a holographic technology that works best when the air is full of particles- which is why they would have done that on the same day as the spiral.
Apparently Russia and Norway are playing for the same team. The bulva missile is shot off in Russia around the same time may have been a test of the effectiveness of haarp technology in disabling rockets.
Now-there is more significance to this than simply Russians trying out their new toys, and this is where it ties into the Nobel ceremony.
There are 3 major forces that have been fighting for world power: the Rockefeller/neocon/republican/big corperations faction, the Rothschild/Bolshevik/Zionist faction, and a new international group who are trying to overthrow these two "negative" groups. This new group includes the Chinese, Japanese, Northern Europeans, and is centered in Russia. It developed in Russia many years ago when the Bolsheviks were thrown out of power. This new group believes that we are part of a large universe with many extraterrestrial species that are highly spiritually advanced, and that man's only option for survival is to work together to create a peaceful, spiritually grounded, non-warring planet. They are trying to wrest control away from the rockefellers and rothschilds who have been controlling the planet for so long. They believe that the important first step is disclosure of UFO info. Obama, because of his now widely accepted position in the world is the man for the job, yet the white house has not yet made a public announcement. These displays in Norway and Russia are meant to push the process along- get the disclosure to happen. Get more people around the world asking questions.
There were a bunch of crop circles flagging the date 8/16/08 as an important date. Nothing significant seemed to happen that day, although this was the day that the conflict between Russia and Georgia ended. We later find out that on this day, US forces fled Georgia in a hurry, leaving behind a few vans full of highly classified cia documents. These documents get into the hands of the Russians, and thus this new positive international coalition. The documents probably include all sorts of technological information- including bluebeam, hologram technology, and who knows what else.
The December 9th display is like the guys fighting to free us all saying "we know what you know, we are now more powerful than you, and if you don't surrender and tell the world about ETs and new technologies, we will do it for you."
So in summary, this seems to be a sign that we will soon be freed from the control of the negative powers that try to enslave us through poverty and fear, and will soon be introduced to our larger galactic community.
I think this is kind of the core of what Wilcock is saying, and I'm obviously not able to mention, or even remember, everything that He talks about.
hope this helps!
These things can get pretty complicated, but amidst the complexity we are always one, and I love you all!