04-28-2012, 11:40 AM
(04-28-2012, 04:13 AM)Meerie Wrote: the beacons of light always speak to my heart:
"Stepping into the New World
Now that this change is starting to take place, you will see shifts within your own emotional body first. There was a wave of energy coming through planet Earth changing everything, which as we have mentioned before, you have helped to create. You have celebrated all these magical dates that are now culminating in the 12-12-12. You have literally helped to set your own changes into motion as well as create a new world around you. Now your next move is simply to step into this new world, to claim it as your own, to make it your own and to make it your expression of Light. We tell you that there will be certain challenges with it for you have become sensitive to different energy levels to which you are unfamiliar. This is the reason why we have asked you to be cautious in your exposure to the sun during this summer. The X Class solar flares that are now coming in have the potential to overload your systems. Normally you simply have your own magnetic field with which you fend off the harmful pieces.
Because of the physical and energetic changes that are going on, some of those defenses have been removed. Therefore, we ask you to simply use common sense in your exposure to the sun during this summer. Next summer, it will not be a problem but right now, with all the magnetic energy coming in from the sun, there are potentials to experience things that you do not wish to experience. "
I feel indeed that the sun is too strong... yesterday when I was walking outside I could not stand the direct exposure to the sun on me. I had to walk in the shadow.
Anyone else feeling this?
I have been the opposite. All the years I lived in Texas I couldn't stand to be in the sun. Now, I can spend hours in the sun (I do wear a hat to protect my head and face) with no ill effect - in fact, I have been much, much healthier from spending time in the sun (Vitamin D?).