04-26-2012, 11:11 AM
(04-15-2012, 10:17 PM)DuncanIdahoTPF Wrote: [quote=http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1990/1990_0923.aspx]
The body that you have is second density.
If the physical vehicles of mind/body/spirit complexes experiencing the yellow vibratory spectrum (3rd density) do so with 2nd density bodies, then where do the 3D/4D dual activated bodies fit into all this? There would seem to be a missing gap or link; that being: the 3D physical body.
May I suggest that perhaps Q'uo/Carla meant 3D instead of 2D?
Certainly, the physical body is an "animal," but is it the same kind of physical body as that of a chimpanzee? I always found the word "animal" very interesting. In fact, I always considered even humans and plants as "animals" too. Allow me to elucidate: aside from being a creature animated (by the mind); anima in latin literally means soul.
Thus, by definition, any living creature would be an animal. And as you all very well know, the body—any body, in any density—is a creature of the mind.
Coincidentally, I was discussing this with Plenum yesterday.
And curiously enough, this morning I searched www.lawofone.info for a random session. And as I skimmed through the session, something caught my attention:
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex has an existence simultaneous with that of creation. It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle. However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary. Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth. The more accurate description is that they permit growth.
Which supports my own insights about what "body" really is. This all ties in with what I was discussing with Plenum, which I think we could share with you:
1. The material/MATTER of all physical bodies (1D-7D) is light; albeit, varying "crystalizations" of that Light.
2. There is no Creation without Light. For Creation implies time and space, movement, change, growth, progress, transformation; and all of this becomes possible thanks to the illusion that is LIGHT.
3. Thus, without light there would be no experience of space or time; and hence, no evolution, no growth; for what is this if not the experience of sequential progression from the not-knowing to the (re)knowing the One Infinite Creator? LIGHT allows this experience.
4. Light is not Love. But Light is the visible manifestation of that Love—or that One Original Thought—and that which is invisible/unmanifest (and hence, CANNOT be seen—for anything you can see is an illusion of your own imagination/thought—and all illusions/LIGHT are temporal).
PS: When people hear "physical" they think flesh-and-bone solid, as in human body. When in fact its meaning is more like: of and/or related to the body, the corporeal; characterized by bodily attributes, functions or activities.
What is a body? A physical vehicle. What does this mean? It is a tool, a medium, an instrument used by mind to explore and experience the Creation of the One Creator in a spatial and temporal fashion.
Some food for thought:
- Corporeal comes from Latin corpus, or "body."
- Incarnation comes from Latin incarnare, "to make flesh," which has its root in carnis, which literally means "flesh."
This might sound a bit weird to you, but when I feed on vegetables or fruits I consider them my "meat." I see all physical bodies—of ANY density of experience/awareness—as being made of some sort of "meat." And what is this meat/body if not Light? For all matter; that is, visible manifest "stuff," is LIGHT.
Light is not the Source.
Light is the illusion we use to experience all this.