12-23-2009, 12:36 AM
Lavazza Wrote:And yet, Ra does give that at some point Infinity became aware, which suggests that at some point it was not aware, which leaves the door open for "Why did infinity become aware? What caused infinity to become aware?" Realizing of course that explanations for such may never be available to us behind the veil. But it is fun to wonder.
Creation is fractal. Whatever causes infinity to become aware is what causes humanity to become aware. I would say my thoughts are that if we didn't "move forward", we would die. If the universe didn't proceed forward with the process of becoming aware in every moment, it would die. There is always energy flowing throughout all points of the universe, big or small, and my thought is that whatever causes that energy to flow is God. As long as there is energy flowing, there will be more development of the universe at all levels, humanity included, otherwise everything would just cease to be. If God stops imagining reality, it stops being imagined! I think that the creation is a thought by God. But I think the entire creation has to go through its cycle before it dissipates. That means all the octaves and the sub octaves and the sub sub octaves and the sub sub sub octaves and so on and so forth, have to wrap up their cycles, including our teeny tiny little transition from our 3rd to our 4th. Once all octaves at all levels are approaching completion, the universe, or infinity, becomes 100% aware, and everything goes back to nothing at all. The One who causes the energy to flow has pulled the plug. Maybe It will think another thought, but that will be in a simply unfathomable amount of years...