04-23-2012, 08:40 PM
Quote:He wanted every form, for He wanted to show Himself; as a magician He appears in many forms, He masters hundreds of thousands of powers. He is those powers; those millions of powers. He is Spirit; without antecedent, without precedent, without inside, without outside; omnipresent, omniscient. Self is Spirit. That is revelation.
- Brian Hodgkinson, The Essence of Vedanta
Quote:The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini is the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the projection of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of love is the power of the Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does all the living work.
- Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi
Quote:Have no doubt about the fact that you are not other than the consciousness which is the Self illuminating the modifications of the mind.
- Vakyavritti of Sri Sankaracharya
Quote:"A full and durable spiritual path should, first and foremost, improve the quality of our daily lives; for as our inner life grows in clarity and purpose our relationship to our work, friends and family become fuller and more fruitful. Daily life is a faithful and thorough guide, testing and trying our spiritual progress every moment. The work is to apply the eternal wisdom to our day-to-day existence, that we can find peace in the transcendent and unchanging. Theosis is a Greek word rich in meaning. It was a term used by the desert fathers over the centuries, and more recently by the Greek-Cypriot mystic and healer, Stylianos Atteshlis, known as Daskalos. Theosis is translated as 'deification' or 'to become one with the divine'. Daskalos spoke of it as a state akin to 'enlightenment' and 'self realization'. Our gradual and inevitable entry into theosis is both the promise and the purpose that we were given in Eden; that we would 'be as gods, knowing good and evil' (cf. Gen. 3:5). Theosis is a process of the ever-increasing individuation of the self, culminating in the 'I AM I' consciousness which Jesus of Nazareth fully embodied and imbued. In the mystical Christian tradition the path to theosis is daily life (work, family and friends), through which the soul reflects itself in Creation that it may know itself in all its ways. And the vehicle for this reflection, for the awakening of the self, is the Human Form (as body, thought and emotion)."
- Paul Skorpen