04-15-2012, 05:51 PM
(01-18-2012, 05:45 AM)stinky Wrote: ...this is where everyone will go who have to repeat 3rd density, some will wait in the astral planes for healing and stay till this because 4D space/time and incarnate...
Hi Stinky! Thank you for sharing your perceptions of the coming Harvest. I don't believe anyone will "have to repeat" 3rd density, I think it will be more of a choice to repeat 3rd density.
No one is "grading" us. For example, If you were to flunk 3rd grade in school, it would partly be because some other entity (the teacher) suggested it. The teacher, the principle, your parents, might all agree on it, and you wouldn't have a "Choice" one way or the other. I don't think the harvest will be anything like this. The choice is yours, and there aren't wrong answers, or bad grades.
The lesson of this density, "love" is a very potent and beautiful lesson. I beleive many will choose to repeat, just to experience the wonderful journey of learning Love all over again, regardless harvestablity.
I have no idea what will happen at Harvest at the end of this Cycle. I think there are clues from the Harvest after the second cycle. Check out these Ra quotes, and I think you'll understand what I'm getting at.
Quote:14.16 Questioner: There was no harvest? What about 25,000 years ago?Ra says: "were now to repeat" not "they have to repeat"
Ra: I am Ra. A harvesting began taking place in the latter portion, as you measure time/space, of the second cycle, with individuals finding the gateway to intelligent infinity. The harvest of that time, though extremely small, was those entities of extreme distortion towards service to the entities who were now to repeat the major cycle. These entities, therefore, remained in third density although they could, at any moment/present nexus, leave this density through use of intelligent infinity.
Quote:14.17 Questioner: Then in the harvest 25,000 years ago, the entities who could have been harvested into the fourth density chose to remain here in service to this planetary population. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Thus, there was no harvest, but there were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into fourth dimension.
15.15 Questioner: I don’t mean to ask the same question twice, but there are some areas that I consider so important that possibly a greater understanding may be obtained if the answer is restated a number of times in other words. I thank you for your patience. Yesterday, you also mentioned that when there was no harvest at the end of the last 25,000 year period, “there were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density.” Could you tell me what you mean by “they shall choose the manner of their entry into the fourth density?”
Ra: I am Ra. These shepherds, or, as some have called them, the “Elder Race,” shall choose the time/space of their leaving. They are unlikely to leave until their other-selves are harvestable also.
15.18 Questioner: I ask this question because I have heard of the Elder Race before in a book, Road in the Sky, by George Hunt Williamson, and I was wondering if this Elder Race was the same that he talked about?
Ra: I am Ra. The question now resolves itself, for we have spoken previously of the manner of decision-making which caused these entities to remain here upon the closing of the second major cycle of your current master cycle. There are some distortions in the descriptions of the one known as Michel; however, these distortions have to do primarily with the fact that these entities are not a social memory complex, but rather a group of mind/body/spirit complexes dedicated to service. These entities work together, but are not completely unified; thus, they do not completely see each the other’s thoughts, feelings, and motives. However, their desire to serve is the fourth-dimensional type of desire, thus melding them into what you may call a brotherhood.
22.10 Questioner: Approximately how many were harvestable out of that total number at the end of the cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. There were approximately 150 entities harvestable.
This next quote is on of my favs.

Quote:22.12 Questioner: What type of visit did the Confederation make to this group of 150 entities?
Ra: I am Ra. A light being appeared bearing that which may be called a shield of light. It spoke of the oneness and infinity of all creation and of those things which await those ready for harvest. It described in golden words the beauties of love as lived. It then allowed a telepathic linkage to progressively show those who were interested the plight of third density when seen as a planetary complex. It then left.
22.13 Questioner: Did all of these entities then decide to stay and help during the next 25,000 year cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. As a group they stayed. There were those peripherally associated with this culture which did not stay. However, they were not able to be harvested either and so, beginning at the very highest, shall we say, of the sub-octaves of third density, repeated this density. Many of those who have been of the loving nature are not Wanderers but those of this particular origin of second cycle.