04-04-2012, 09:30 PM
(04-04-2012, 04:57 PM)abstrktion Wrote: Thank you Shin'Ar for sharing your perspectives. Will you continue with the other cards? I noticed that you asked about my views on the symbols in the Hanged Man, but didn't offer your own, which I'd very much like to hear. I do not claim to have THE truth, or the "proper" way (I think that kind of language belongs to your Emperor), so I'd like to hear more, should you care to share.
Yes I am going to continue with the whole because it is a process and it finds perfect fulfillment right to the end card, which by the way will reveal something very curious to anyone knowing me. I did not respond to the hanged Man in the other thread because I had already committed to doing this but had to ask JusstLiekYou and Gary for permission to go ahead with it.
(04-04-2012, 02:12 PM)godwide_void Wrote: This is the absolute most resonant explanation of the Tarot I've ever read. This post of yours has spoken volumes to me in ways you are probably already aware of. I did not forget what you've told me of Isis. Initially it did not click in my mind, but upon reading this...
Quote:lll isis Unveiled
The veil is now cast aside and the Goddess becomes the gates herself. having discovered the key through the revelation and guidance of the Goddess to her followers, we now enter the actual portal.
Her throne, our altar, is the universal consciousness seeing all things. With her head in the sun, which represents the Infinite Spirit, and her feet on the crescent moon of polarities, she reveals herself as the divine connection and conduit.
And pretty much everything else you've written, I think I'm fully understanding the implications of what you've told me... Yes, in fact, as I type this I feel a very intense feeling beginning to fester within me. You continue to impart upon me the necessary keys needed to open the doors which remain. From the depths of my being, I thank you.
Shin'Ar, I must confess that I haven't delved into the Tarot too much and my familiarity and comprehension with/of it coincides with what has been shared and discussed here of it (thank you Ra, plenum, and now you too Shin'Ar!). May I ask you, what function does the Tarot serve in your rituals/practice? In what way is it properly used? To what ends does this system allow one to attain? What has it done for you?
Not everyone has the ability to make a psychic connection with the tarot. That ability is very limited to one's psychic ability and understanding of the consciousness.
But the symbolism and purpose behind the safeguarding of the truths that are hidden there are available for all to learn and benefit from if they are able to comprehend the higher meanings behind it.
You and I have discussed your connection to that Goddess consciousness, and it does not surprise me that the tarot would resonate with you given the extent to which the tarot acknowledges the Goddess and the Serpent.
When one can get around the symbolism and comprehend the Goddess and the Serpent as Higher Consciousness and not Deities waiting to be worshiped, all of the signs and clues begin to open very easily.
With regard to my own practice I will say that the Tarot has been extremely useful in assisting me in making my connections with Higher Fields. I use the Tarot in the same way I make any other psychic connection, in that I see it as the mating of two or more fields of consciousness. What is revealed to me there is no different than what is revealed to me via any other guidance of Higher Assistance.
But I will say that the tarot has been very intimate for me because of my long standing connections with the Higher Consciousnesses that I acknowledge as Thoth and Isis. I cannot deny that I seem to be able to apply the tarot in ways that I just don't see others doing it. What is revealed to me just makes perfect sense to my understanding. And I am rarely inaccurate in my readings. because of that intimacy I am very discerning about who I share that connection with and I hold the tarot in a high place of honor and respect that I do not take lightly. I make it an intimate part of many of my rituals, and it is often the sole reason that I might make a decision one way or another on any given day. My wife has asked to stop reading her because it makes her feel as though she has no freedom from me. I refuse to read friends because there are many things better left unsaid between friends.
The greatest benefit to me is its ability to connect with Higher Consciousness and enable me to base my rituals and meditations in sync with particulars that are revealed by those connections. I have an uncanny ability to read the signs. I always have. And through the Tarot, along with other divinations such as stones and ogham, and I am able to exaggerate that tenfold.