04-02-2012, 02:39 PM
Quote:Of course, this is just my conception. Just seems to me that it would be easier to now consider the Mind and Heart as one, rather than to "overcompensate" for what is perceive as a "mind dominance". SO rather, I guess I feel the Heart should be awakened, but I don't think the Mind should be considered 'inferior'.
What is "the heart" anyway? A metaphor, a poetic concept to express something more profound? As Shin'Ar pointed out, technically speaking the heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body. That's it.
I've heard these heart VS mind arguements before (I even heard someone say that the heart is a second brain even) and I do not come here to argue further. But I must say I have noticed that a great deal of these so-called "lightworkers" do consider the mind to be something inferior to or lesser than the heart; something that must be overcome or "conquered" or even "shut down" by the heart. I honestly believe this is folly. But then again, that's OK, because the heart is folly. Indeed, the heart is a fool, really (and that is a most positive remark, believe it or not!).
Now, if you ask me, I personally believe intuition has more to do with the mind, actually, with the higher energy nexi. Particularly indigo and violet. But maybe that's just how I see/perceive/experience things.
I think those most strongly identified with "the heart" are those that have a, shall we say, overflow of green energy? I have also noticed than in many cases these individuals have a lack of... wisdom (and a disinterest in it even)? They can also be quite stubborn and foolhearted too (ah, there it is again!).
But maybe this is because the next spectrum/density of experience is based upon green/heart/love lessons. Love is naturally what is coming up next. That is why, "love is the way" (into the next density).
Jehoshuah always comes to mind (the overflowing-heart guy comes to mind) as a excellent example. He was a fool. A Great Fool, indeed. I am most appreciative of his service, truly. His example humbles me to the very core of my being. And though I am nothing like Carla, it could nevertheless be said I've had a very close relationship with him.
Anyway. Let me just finish up by saying this: there is a reason why the mind (shall we say, 6th energy center?) is above the heart (4th energy center). There is a hierarchical order to things. Just like it isn't due to a random arrangement of parts and organs that the brain rests at the apex of the physical body and the heart at its center.