04-01-2012, 07:13 AM
This anchoring is what is known in gnostic teachings as the awakening of the Goddess within.
This whole aspect of chakras and rays is fine so long as you understand what they are.
Once awakened one becomes the Tree of Life and the Divine Conduit between spirit and matter.
The triangles represent Spirit and matter, higher and lower consciousness and the polarities/ duality of the universe.
The Dark Ones know that controlling the lower is power to control the material aspects. They deny the true divine self to engorge in the physical and lower aspects of their consciousness.
This whole aspect of chakras and rays is fine so long as you understand what they are.
Once awakened one becomes the Tree of Life and the Divine Conduit between spirit and matter.
The triangles represent Spirit and matter, higher and lower consciousness and the polarities/ duality of the universe.
The Dark Ones know that controlling the lower is power to control the material aspects. They deny the true divine self to engorge in the physical and lower aspects of their consciousness.