Refering to the title of this thread, the truly balanced entity I have a question.
If imbalance is seen as a distortion then can not only the One Infinite Creator can be said to be only truly balanced entity?
We all strive to lessen distortions but whilst doing so retaining identity. Our individual distortions are what cause friction to develop between our respective personal universes. This is the potentiater of the matrix. This is the karmic driving force of the synchroinistical world we (in)habit.
You could say - it's our habits that keep us (in) the 3d matrix.
There are as I understand 'degrees' of balance, they are what we call Densities.
I feel that we are infinitly on the path of balancing, of lessening distortions and harmonizing the light rays.
If imbalance is seen as a distortion then can not only the One Infinite Creator can be said to be only truly balanced entity?
We all strive to lessen distortions but whilst doing so retaining identity. Our individual distortions are what cause friction to develop between our respective personal universes. This is the potentiater of the matrix. This is the karmic driving force of the synchroinistical world we (in)habit.
You could say - it's our habits that keep us (in) the 3d matrix.
There are as I understand 'degrees' of balance, they are what we call Densities.
I feel that we are infinitly on the path of balancing, of lessening distortions and harmonizing the light rays.