From what I can gather the left side of the head has a negative polarity, the feminine, receptive. The right side of the head has a positive polarity, the male aspect, projective.
I often feel the left ear ringing is the feminine aspect receiving information, and the right ear ringing is projecting inner information into the universe.
So it may be that when the left ear is ringing it's not necessarily negative greeting, it may be packets of information being received from the universe through the receptive ear.
Information downloaded in left ear is often great in volume and presence. It's source could be infinitely large. But when we send out information through the right ear it's softer and quieter...our personal message into the ether.
This theory would also mirror the healing aspects of the right and left hand. The left hand has a negative polarity and absorbs and receives (hence best to hold a healing crystal in the left hand). The right hand has a positive polarity and projects our energy outward. So when healing one would visualize prana entering the feet and crown to the heart chakra and down the right arm, finally using the right hand to direct energy flows and blockages in the affected body part.
Lastly it's interesting to note the mouth is connected to the heart chakra. In the Muslim tradition, and many African cultures, one eats with the right hand. The energy projected from the right hand stems from the heart chakra. So it's as if you are feeding yourself with love when you eat in this fashion.
I often feel the left ear ringing is the feminine aspect receiving information, and the right ear ringing is projecting inner information into the universe.
So it may be that when the left ear is ringing it's not necessarily negative greeting, it may be packets of information being received from the universe through the receptive ear.
Information downloaded in left ear is often great in volume and presence. It's source could be infinitely large. But when we send out information through the right ear it's softer and quieter...our personal message into the ether.
This theory would also mirror the healing aspects of the right and left hand. The left hand has a negative polarity and absorbs and receives (hence best to hold a healing crystal in the left hand). The right hand has a positive polarity and projects our energy outward. So when healing one would visualize prana entering the feet and crown to the heart chakra and down the right arm, finally using the right hand to direct energy flows and blockages in the affected body part.
Lastly it's interesting to note the mouth is connected to the heart chakra. In the Muslim tradition, and many African cultures, one eats with the right hand. The energy projected from the right hand stems from the heart chakra. So it's as if you are feeding yourself with love when you eat in this fashion.