03-29-2012, 01:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2012, 02:55 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(03-29-2012, 01:11 PM)Ankh Wrote: Ra have their own responsibility/honor for removing specific distortions. What I talked about was whom to blame, which, in my humble opinion, is unbalanced. I just wanted to be honest with you and said that I blamed humanity. Perhaps realization that it is unimportant who made which mistake, as we are one, is what is important? Responsibility/honor is different from that.
Ah... yes now I've got you. I think we are mostly on the same page. Still... notice how easily the mind goes from "Who is responsible?" to "Who is to blame?" Yes- there is little value in "blame" and yet aversion to perceived blame is the mechanism par excellence by which people avoid taking responsibility. It gets back to seeing an "attack" where there is none. Much easier to take offense than to take responsibility.
In my opinion, the balanced view acknowledges responsibility, while leaving out the judgement.
Ankh Wrote:I am sorry to hear that my interpretation is not enough to enter the debate/discussion in a thread. This is a community of studying the material, and that very interpretation, when offered by me, if/when offered, is there for everyone to dissect. The meaning of my offering of my own interpretation/s is to test if that interpretation is correct.
There is nothing wrong with your interpretations, and by all means continue to offer them! What I am attempting to convey is that there are often two different discussions which become intermingled and confused. The first being of what Ra actually said. And the second being of "our interpretation" of what Ra actually said. I was just attempting to disentangle these two in the discussion, rather than making you "wrong" in your beliefs. I wasn't perceiving us to be in all that much disagreement.
Ankh Wrote:When the interpretation is challenged and another view or explanation is offered which resonates with me better, I feel a great joy of being illuminated even more in what is stated in this complicated and advanced study material.
Then, I tip my hat to you, dear sister.
Quote:What I specifically asked you: do you have any quote where Ra states directly that Ra was guided by folly love/compassion in their attempts to aid this planet in Harvest which was not balanced by wisdom?
No. This is the closest that I am aware of:
1.4 Wrote:However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is informed by its very nature. Since it contains all, it cannot abhor any.
When we were no longer able to have appropriate channels through which to enunciate the Law of One, we removed ourselves from the now hypocritical position which we had allowed ourselves to be placed in.
The message was given in compassion, yet they "allowed themselves" to be in a hypocritical position. I am at a loss to come up with another explanation besides an imbalance of wisdom. Do you see another interpretation?

Quote:Well, perhaps here lies the near-hopelessness that Ra talks about in the attempts to teach? That no matter how clear you can be (and I mean they even took away the unconscious mind, and said that they are transmitting information without the distortions) it is still distorted by us? It is kind of sad actually...
Yes, I think so. I lament at my own seeming inability to convey with words what I so clearly perceive in my heart- especially with respect to this particular issue.
Let me put this another way... if Confederation ships landed today, how many of those in the "New Age" community would -yet again- hail the visitors as "gods" rather than equals? Even after channeling upon channeling- from multiple sources- which explicitly state otherwise?
Or put it this way... if Jesus were to actually return in human form declaring the universal brother/sisterhood of man... how many of his own followers would label him the "Antichrist"?
(03-29-2012, 01:48 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(03-29-2012, 01:36 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:6.4 Wrote:When we were at the sixth dimension our physical beings were what you would call golden... In this form we decided to come among your peoples.
Right, they were at sixth density. It doesn't say their mistakes were due to excessive compassion, which is what I thought you were arguing.
No- what I was trying to say was that the mistakes were due to a relative lack of wisdom. Sixth density is where the balance between compassion and wisdom is learned, right? Then, by inference from other quotes by Ra which explicitly state their distortion toward compassion, one must conclude that their sixth density experience is/was one of balancing compassion with wisdom. So yes, there is some inductive reasoning here, however it seems fairly straightforward to me. Do you have another explanation for their "mistakes"?
βαθμιαίος Wrote:They graduated from fifth density, so presumably they gained the wisdom necessary to do so.
Yes- presumably they would have amassed "enough" wisdom to graduate, however that doesn't imply that there was still wisdom to be gained in sixth density. Just as one can graduate from 3D without having fully embodied that principle known as "universal love", or having fully mastered the discipline of faith.
Perhaps the confusion is stemming from use of the word "folly". The way I see it is this- there are four basic categories of "lessons" to be learned: faith, love, compassion, and wisdom. The notion of "folly" would, in an ultimate sense, encompass any sort of imbalanced expression of these.
In a more practical sense- it has to do with willful disregard for and/or disdain of wisdom. It seems rather clear to me that, out of these four qualities, wisdom is that which is most lacking among earth peoples at this nexus.
And yet... we have all these "spiritual teachers" and "gurus" telling us to be more loving, or more compassionate, or to have more faith... and very few imploring us to seek wisdom within. Might this perhaps have something to do with the fact that the wise person would immediately recognize the folly of giving one's power away to external sources?