12-14-2009, 09:23 PM
Remember, the path is not the same for all pathwalkers... I would say the easiest way to realize the Law of One, or the easiest way to start, is to first realize that you are one. All of you... even those overlooked parts. Find ALL of you, all thoughts, emotions, experiences, attitudes, ideas, and perceptions of self, and realize that it is all one. Then you can look out from that realized self from every facet of your Being and see that all things are one. This message comes clearer into focus for me every day. 
Hi Aaron-I agree with you about different paths. good for you that you have adopted a path and it comes into focus for you everyday. Good luck and blessings...
I find that realizing oneness is a difficult path for a lot of us. I find it much easier to just love as we are already doing that to some extend and we are expanding an already known concept...

Hi Aaron-I agree with you about different paths. good for you that you have adopted a path and it comes into focus for you everyday. Good luck and blessings...
I find that realizing oneness is a difficult path for a lot of us. I find it much easier to just love as we are already doing that to some extend and we are expanding an already known concept...