Not yet. Normally, the object of Right Ear (positive) ringings are not too difficult to find. But in this case, these Left Ear (negative) ringings just happens without clear context. So I can only speculate that they are simple greetings.
I have been psychically attacked a lot last year, but since a couple of weeks it's been much less. Now I mostly just get these greetings.
I would say that there is a great deal less minions in operation on our planet. So my experience would fit with all those GFoL channelings saying that they are removing en mass lots of negative entities from all dimensions of our sphere.
I have been psychically attacked a lot last year, but since a couple of weeks it's been much less. Now I mostly just get these greetings.
I would say that there is a great deal less minions in operation on our planet. So my experience would fit with all those GFoL channelings saying that they are removing en mass lots of negative entities from all dimensions of our sphere.