(03-26-2012, 11:06 PM)Zaxon Wrote: Lulu,
...she is both without discipline or honor. In which case I would prefer solitude to her companionship.
A marriage designed as a military campaign where both apply themselves adherently to what the Dictator in each of them has through their own emotional blockages and addictions has deemed is "right":
discipline & honor
Definition: regimen, training
conduct, control, cultivation, curb, development, drill, drilling, education, exercise, inculcation, indoctrination, limitation, method, orderliness, practice, preparation, regulation, restraint, self-command, self-control, self-mastery, self-restraint, strictness, subordination, will, willpower :::
acclaim, accolade, adoration, badge, bays, commendation, compliment, credit, decoration, deference, distinction, favor, homage, kudos, laurels, privilege, recognition, regard, respect, source of pride, tribute, veneration
and when one or other has failed they are THIS:
chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, neglect, negligence, permissiveness :::
censure, condemnation, reproach
Zaxton, what you choose to attract and see is yourself in the mirror but only of that which you accept in yourself. You have attracted a female who will ONLY reflect to you what you wish to see (for the moment) and not all aspects of yourself or herself. Should she begin to show to you other aspects, you would judge her of the polarity of that which you would judge yourself.
As Ra says in the Healing section about mirroring: you must see the polarity in others, in your silence.
You many only value Patience but on the other end there is Impatience. The polarities are in all of us and the key is to see them and then accept them.
I hope I didn't ruin it. RE: Law of Confusion. It might have been more fun to play the red-neck Banjo and gaze into your eyes. LOL. :-)
thanks for the idea... ;-)