03-27-2012, 12:30 AM
Quote:Waves and/or particles? The duality was created to explain away barriers that stopped the conversation, like to explain how one particle can travel through two holes. This problem of course is even more complicated when two holes are deemed necessary to produced "interference".http://www.sciforums.com/the-perception-...52326.html
Absent in all of these discussions is the nonlocal - the nastiest word in the physics bible. A heretic, John S Bell, made the point that none/few are willing to read, much less begin to understand, made a very important point: A quantum mechanical model that is void in nonlocal force centers explicitly, intrinsicaly included in the model, is incomplete.
Wave-particle-duality is the smoke screen being read as one reads chariots racing in the billowing clouds, while others observe fornicating dolphins. What you see is what you think you get get.
You see these words, the room the keyboard and walls. These are the real of the observed. The real, "real", being but a word, has no meaning in a purely observable world. Then one must ask, who, or what is observing, the entity placing meaning to the observed? This then is the nonlocal peeking through the filter (antenna?) of those orbs you referred to above.
The photon, which some refer to as dual in nature, is not so complicated. Some describe photons as being of two basic types: horizontally polarized and vertically polarized. This would be an inefficient universe beyond comprehension. However, when considering the photon as not both horizontal and vertical in type but as oscillating between the two the puzzle is unraveled.
One instant the moving vibrant photon is horizontal, the next vertical the next horizontal. In time the photon's horizontal/vertical history is simple and generates as,
When the photon is measured, when it strikes your eye and energizes all those networks in the neuorsystem, the osscillation ceases. Whatever state the ...HVHVHV.. is in when measured this is the state of polarization, by measured default, for no better description.
We see this phenom in the 'up' and 'down' states of electrons filtered through Stern-Gerlach inhomogenous magnetic fields, and is especially revealing in spin-1 particles where there are three possible states, two of which are always nonlocal as the three states cycle through the three possibilities until measured, or until entering the magnetic field where the current observed state becomes polarized - measured -defined locally.
The 'wave particle duality' deemed necessary for two-hole diffraction explanations, becomes a single entity again when one recognizes that one hole is necessary for the photon structure, the other hole for transmission of the current H or V mode, to insure interference patterns on the detecting screen after transmission. In other words, when only one hole is available the local/nonlocal osscilaltion follow the photon structure down the same hole, with two holes the photon structure is in one channel, the current H/V mode is in the other-meeting the holes is the measurement, the observation, or an observation.
With the observed cycle H, the V is nonlocal, when V observable,is manifest, H is nonlocal.
Nonlocal, as opposed to being merely "off" and so on, is just that part of the universe with no spatial significance, dreams, the viewer through the orbs reading these words, the ghost in the machine cooperating with the organic entity, the machine, where the duality of ghost and machine sums to, well, what you see is what you get.