03-26-2012, 02:17 PM
I know right! Can you imagine the lack of true expression in a relationship based on that? The very things that allow a relationship to be intimate and of companion and partnership are stripped away to recreate the cold dutiful relationships of times past, the epitome of the miserable and stuck marriage based on security and duty. Within less then a few years it would be sex as a duty, if at all, an emotionally stagnant experience with no heart connection. Probably the woman once devoted, in discouragement and guiding soul pressure of the feminine heart energy, once she knows she is secure enough will begin to have an affair and eventually leave if she can.
I know right! Can you imagine the lack of true expression in a relationship based on that? The very things that allow a relationship to be intimate and of companion and partnership are stripped away to recreate the cold dutiful relationships of times past, the epitome of the miserable and stuck marriage based on security and duty. Within less then a few years it would be sex as a duty, if at all, an emotionally stagnant experience with no heart connection. Probably the woman once devoted, in discouragement and guiding soul pressure of the feminine heart energy, once she knows she is secure enough will begin to have an affair and eventually leave if she can.