03-26-2012, 01:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2012, 02:16 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(03-26-2012, 12:59 PM)ShinAr Wrote: I cannot recall in Carla's interview exactly what year she disassociated herself from the Circle R group and their fanaticism. I will go back to that and listen to it again. But I think it is safe to say that she was not denying the teachiongs of hatonn and Latwii, but the practices of those that were trying to live by them.
This might be a bit tangential to your comment, however I think it is relevant. If one peruses through the Brown Notebook, and the early L/L Transcripts, they will see that Hatonn was- on multiple occasions- planning a mass landing to greet the people of earth. I am not exactly sure, but I believe the first one was in 1968 and another in 1977. Clearly, these plans fell through.
There was also interesting talk by Hatonn later about some takeover of the airwaves in order to broadcast a message to all of humanity. I started a discussion about this in the thread: 1981.01.05 - 1981.01.15 Last Hatonn Contact Before Ra
In my fallible opinion, I think what has been going on here is that earth is as a "melting pot" for the galaxy. Beyond all the native inhabitants, we have all manner of "wanderers" from ET civilizations at varying levels of development from late 3D through mid 6D incarnated into human form. Each of these groups has sent out a "call" which has resulted in the arrival of their space brethren from the far reaches of the galaxy... and maybe even beyond. It also appears that, upon their various arrivals, many of these groups were surprised to find that they were not the only ones here.
The first "calls" in recent times occurred after the detonation of nuclear weapons in Japan. As near as I can discern, those of Hatonn were among the first on the scene, and seem to hail from somewhere in mid 4D. Thus, while quite loving, Hatonn tends to be a little naive in their view- hence the notion that they could simply decloak their ships and reach out to greet humanity with open arms.
Other groups were strongly opposed to this idea. In particular some groups which worked with humanity in the distant past, and learned the hard way of what happens when advanced beings make contact with a population before they are spiritually developed enough to view them as equals, rather than "gods". These groups- mostly hailing from 6D- proposed to maintain a strict code of nonintervention in earthly matters other than to beam love and light to the planet and let everything sort itself out.
Still other groups had a more radical plan... these groups proposed that the best thing to do would be to withdraw all influence from this sphere- overt or hidden- and allow the STS faction to proceed without delay. The idea being similar to inducing a fever in one whose body seems unable to mount one on its own to root out an infection.
Then there are those who ostensibly never left the "inner planes" and have been living "underground" in Agartha/Shambhalla, or whatever the energetic equivalent is of that. Some of these groups are quite aloof to events on the surface, and appear to be "waiting it out" for an opportunity to leave this sphere and return to their respective homes.
And THEN there were myriad groups suggesting various kinds of compromises and mixed approaches to the situation. So it has all been quite the cosmic clusterf^(& to say the least!
Now despite all this, it is my understanding (limited and fallible though it may be) that an agreement on strategy has been reached, and is now in the midst of implementation. It does involve a degree of intervention in terms of the nonviolent removal of certain individuals who are fully committed to graduation on the negative path- essentially keeping these folks in quarantine until "Graduation Day" meanwhile allowing some much needed relief for the rest of the population.
Anyhow, I am rambling and hardly an "authorized representative" of any of these factions. So take it all with a grain of salt!