03-26-2012, 01:05 PM
This is because Hatonn and Latwii are translating conceptions from a lower vibration and degree of awareness than Ra.
To my understanding, Hatonn is 4D, Latwii is 5D, and Ra is 6D, each of these in correspondance to their understanding of the Light/Love of the Creator. 4D is designated the place where "Love" is developed. They say we are here in the third learning about love, most important, where to place that love. In 4D we refine the direction of that Love, which is why this is also heavily a realm of "light vs dark" as it is the place of passion and attraction, and working with that Love. 5D is designated as the level of Wisdom, so, this actually follows right with what you said in the other thread, that "Wisdom arises from Love". This seems to also be true in the Ra way of thinking. 6D therefore is the designation of Unity. Now, I don't think this is to be taken as the point of unity, but rather that the lessons and growth within this place is based entirely upon an entity's understanding and perception of unity with all. Once the entity has attained sufficient perception they then turn forward to the Gateway of the 7th and are then off in to the next realms/octave of the Universal structure.
Of course, important to note that all entities exist in all densities at all times. (Ra does state this.) And rather the choice of your body, or the concentration of your consciousness in to one particular range of frequencies is expressed as an "Activation" of that body (For example, 3rd density yellow-ray chemical body), while the others continue to exist in potentiation, or in the inner planes.
To my understanding, Hatonn is 4D, Latwii is 5D, and Ra is 6D, each of these in correspondance to their understanding of the Light/Love of the Creator. 4D is designated the place where "Love" is developed. They say we are here in the third learning about love, most important, where to place that love. In 4D we refine the direction of that Love, which is why this is also heavily a realm of "light vs dark" as it is the place of passion and attraction, and working with that Love. 5D is designated as the level of Wisdom, so, this actually follows right with what you said in the other thread, that "Wisdom arises from Love". This seems to also be true in the Ra way of thinking. 6D therefore is the designation of Unity. Now, I don't think this is to be taken as the point of unity, but rather that the lessons and growth within this place is based entirely upon an entity's understanding and perception of unity with all. Once the entity has attained sufficient perception they then turn forward to the Gateway of the 7th and are then off in to the next realms/octave of the Universal structure.
Of course, important to note that all entities exist in all densities at all times. (Ra does state this.) And rather the choice of your body, or the concentration of your consciousness in to one particular range of frequencies is expressed as an "Activation" of that body (For example, 3rd density yellow-ray chemical body), while the others continue to exist in potentiation, or in the inner planes.