03-26-2012, 12:59 PM
How wonderful it is that these things always fall into place for me so long as I hold true to my path.
Latwii said in that discourse :
"We see a future in which each touches many individuals and speaks with compassion and inspiration of the One which indwells in all.
We see a future in which the being of each shines brightly as a beacon and illumines the darkness by its very being with no movement required at all.
We see a future in which each walks a path which is most appropriate, which is to say, that as one places a foot upon the ground and does so in a thoughtful manner centered upon the one Creator, it will therefore be as natural as breathing to place the foot upon the path, one foot after another, until the journey is traveled one step at a time.
We see a future in which all these things are possible, made possible by the firm desire to serve and the free desire for no particular outcome, for as the one Creator moves through each, the will of the one Creator shall be made known, and if each can remove its small self’s will, then the will of the great One shall move through each as a channel, and shall carve its own pattern and write upon your third-density creation the words of illumination that inspire and provoke the seeking of those who dwell in darkness." UNQUOTE
This is the perfect example of what I have been trying to express. We should all strive to be beacons to those lost in darkness. How many times have I been told that it was preaching? How many have said that we should leave the lost to their own resources? I realize I must adhere to forun rules and I shall. But my understanding is not altered by rules that are imposed upon me.
The paths spoken of here are not the paths of STS/STO, but the very personal experiences of each of us as individuals. But all paths should be centered on the One Creator, where each of us 'can remove its small self’s will'.
I cannot recall in Carla's interview exactly what year she disassociated herself from the Circle R group and their fanaticism. I will go back to that and listen to it again. But I think it is safe to say that she was not denying the teachiongs of hatonn and Latwii, but the practices of those that were trying to live by them.
I find that Hatonn and Latwii represent my understandings in a far more simplistic manner thyan does Ra.
Latwii said in that discourse :
"We see a future in which each touches many individuals and speaks with compassion and inspiration of the One which indwells in all.
We see a future in which the being of each shines brightly as a beacon and illumines the darkness by its very being with no movement required at all.
We see a future in which each walks a path which is most appropriate, which is to say, that as one places a foot upon the ground and does so in a thoughtful manner centered upon the one Creator, it will therefore be as natural as breathing to place the foot upon the path, one foot after another, until the journey is traveled one step at a time.
We see a future in which all these things are possible, made possible by the firm desire to serve and the free desire for no particular outcome, for as the one Creator moves through each, the will of the one Creator shall be made known, and if each can remove its small self’s will, then the will of the great One shall move through each as a channel, and shall carve its own pattern and write upon your third-density creation the words of illumination that inspire and provoke the seeking of those who dwell in darkness." UNQUOTE
This is the perfect example of what I have been trying to express. We should all strive to be beacons to those lost in darkness. How many times have I been told that it was preaching? How many have said that we should leave the lost to their own resources? I realize I must adhere to forun rules and I shall. But my understanding is not altered by rules that are imposed upon me.
The paths spoken of here are not the paths of STS/STO, but the very personal experiences of each of us as individuals. But all paths should be centered on the One Creator, where each of us 'can remove its small self’s will'.
I cannot recall in Carla's interview exactly what year she disassociated herself from the Circle R group and their fanaticism. I will go back to that and listen to it again. But I think it is safe to say that she was not denying the teachiongs of hatonn and Latwii, but the practices of those that were trying to live by them.
I find that Hatonn and Latwii represent my understandings in a far more simplistic manner thyan does Ra.