Hi DuncanIdaho,
I understand what you are saying, it can feel like fear. Lets see if I can approach that.
I perceive the video as discovery and awareness. The blonde could be me speaking because that is how I respond to things "hmmm something doesn't feel right". It's my LACK of Fear that allows my discernment to lead to uncovering flaws and deception.
Take 911 as an example. Most folks on these types of forums KNOW that it's been portrayed quite differently then it is. This false portrayal then allowed the fear to be directed to supporting a hidden agenda. Those that bought into the story in fear felt empowered by the "war on terrorism". So it serves them in their own shadows, weakening them behind the scenes as they think they are stronger the masses have again lost more liberties/freedoms and rights.
In the opposite way those who knew that 911 wasn't what it was portrayed, have been uncovering more and more deception of our world and beyond. They are not warring --they are uncovering. Just as the girls in the video are...
Those who DO NOT want to see the truth, are those who are IN Fear. Deep into their subconcious they are feeling "if that is not true, then my entire world as I know it may be shattered and that scares me, what will happen to me?". This is a general response by most people who are also therefore programmable, manipulatable and can be used for hidden agenda's they would never otherwise participate in.
Every being that has ever LIVED still exists IN other realms or densities/dimensions/worlds. There are some pretty dark spirits who are very active....
They can interact and influence us.
Just to clarify, there are also billions of spirits who inspire us and are assistants in attracting all of our desires, and creations. Of course our desires be it intentional or not will be as we "think" them and so attracts them. We attract them through the universal laws.
So if we know there is an agenda that we do not agree with we can then use our power more deliberately and ASK for change or the difference in that. This is the value in KNOWING the truth. Denial will simply get us more external desires such as security which also comes with that bondage.
We must see the truth and then ASK for the change. If we are in fear we are asking for that what we fear. Again this is where most dip back into the safety of denial, thus allowing more "security/control".
It's important to understand there is no death. This has kept people in the greatest fear and stagnancy they are willing to let others die for their perceived securities in the denial state.
Because most do not really understand that they are multi-dimensional beings and how this works, we are easily influenced and WAY more susceptible then we would otherwise be.
Through the gaps in our auric field due to our emotional injuries these beings can influence us. When we face our shadows in self-acceptance/self-love the gaps close and they can no longer influence us. The way to rid yourself of these beings should they come is to say: I accept that I am _________fill in all the words of what you are that you have not accepted. Don't exorcise them away, worse will come.
Be willing to follow your heart when you are bribed by spirits rather then gloat in glory or perceived success. Be MOST willing to FEEL your EMOTIONS. For all when angry, are posturing behind the emotions of unlove/unworthy this is where the darkest shadows lie.
Have you ever noticed how quickly an elected politician becomes an a****** once in office? This is not necessarily because he already WAS one, but he was "selected" due to the likely possibilities of being able to control him for an agenda. Hitler was created/programmed and possessed by those "hidden" with an agenda, but not until he was until full power.
Those who are a threat to the agendas are assassinated. This is often done by creating "crazy people" or using those who can be under heavy influence of dark-spirit. Crazies are created to be possessed and then used or often to be silenced! They have emotional injuries or have been made crazy for this purpose. I could have been one of them had I not been able to re-cover my "self". I had been dissolved of every identity and attempted at reprogramming. JFK is an example where possession is indicated by the fact that the one who killed him "remembers nothing". When people are temporarily possesed they do things and "don't remember".
In the case of politicians, once elected the dark beings who already supported in getting him/her elected, now can take control. "Beings of Love" do not possess others, so we don't have the hidden power in the same way.
Another thought is to consider how near entire populations in whole countries can become manipulated for otherwise obvious horrific agendas. Think WWII Germany. The influence is from the other densities and then happens HERE. Why were they so manipulatable? Surely they should know killing Jews and others "isn't cool" yet the LEADER who is possessed and controlled also has a minion of spirit-army that INFLUENCES the a manipulatable population. There are gaps because of old fears in the phyche that have not yet been faced. Shadows of Security and Unworthiness in that case. And how does an entire population of Jews become victim. When we stay in denial we cannot hear the guidence to "get out of town". But again, security/unworthiness... reflected it with the others.
I'm trying to bring awareness that it's WORTH doing your shadow facing. Without the WILL --you are and will be manipulatable and weak. If you choose to feel guilty for being Not Loving then you are missing that shadow right there. I accept that I am _______ (selfish)! Fill ijn the blanks. Can you stand to do that??
I continue to study everything I am drawn to, I never stop and say AHA this the answer! this is it! Because behind everything is both truth and untruth, dark and light. If you find a sense of "relief" then you are still on path, but only use it until it is no longer high-enough and then search on and continue forward, keep going higher. Never stop asking.
I hear you. I notice that there are huge differences in channeled material and entities. What resonates with you and feels like relief is indicative of where you are at "at the time". As you shift what once was relief must now be found again elsewhere as you evolve.
IMO Translators should not be feeling drained or in pain during sessions. To me that is one indication that Ra may be a little more negative then what seems. I'm not saying there isn't valuable information in there, but always there IS an agenda. Good or Evil... and both within.
In duality realms there ARE both good guys and bad guys. And that construct of the universe is there to be played in. When you drift above that you get a glimpse of the realization that both have agendas and neither is often about empowerment. Good guys are "rescuers/martyrs" like angels, jesus etc. Bad guys -well we know what they are, they are often cloaked as "good guys".
Those who wish to empower others are what I reach for. And for me to empower others is what I in turn reach for if I'm playing in this space this way. Knowledge is one gift towards empowerment. This is why knowledge can be misused as well. Text books included... ;-)
Link above for Yellow Ray....
Note what the symptoms of deficiency are. (4D).
I understand what you are saying, it can feel like fear. Lets see if I can approach that.
I perceive the video as discovery and awareness. The blonde could be me speaking because that is how I respond to things "hmmm something doesn't feel right". It's my LACK of Fear that allows my discernment to lead to uncovering flaws and deception.
Take 911 as an example. Most folks on these types of forums KNOW that it's been portrayed quite differently then it is. This false portrayal then allowed the fear to be directed to supporting a hidden agenda. Those that bought into the story in fear felt empowered by the "war on terrorism". So it serves them in their own shadows, weakening them behind the scenes as they think they are stronger the masses have again lost more liberties/freedoms and rights.
In the opposite way those who knew that 911 wasn't what it was portrayed, have been uncovering more and more deception of our world and beyond. They are not warring --they are uncovering. Just as the girls in the video are...
Those who DO NOT want to see the truth, are those who are IN Fear. Deep into their subconcious they are feeling "if that is not true, then my entire world as I know it may be shattered and that scares me, what will happen to me?". This is a general response by most people who are also therefore programmable, manipulatable and can be used for hidden agenda's they would never otherwise participate in.
Every being that has ever LIVED still exists IN other realms or densities/dimensions/worlds. There are some pretty dark spirits who are very active....
They can interact and influence us.
Just to clarify, there are also billions of spirits who inspire us and are assistants in attracting all of our desires, and creations. Of course our desires be it intentional or not will be as we "think" them and so attracts them. We attract them through the universal laws.
So if we know there is an agenda that we do not agree with we can then use our power more deliberately and ASK for change or the difference in that. This is the value in KNOWING the truth. Denial will simply get us more external desires such as security which also comes with that bondage.
We must see the truth and then ASK for the change. If we are in fear we are asking for that what we fear. Again this is where most dip back into the safety of denial, thus allowing more "security/control".
It's important to understand there is no death. This has kept people in the greatest fear and stagnancy they are willing to let others die for their perceived securities in the denial state.
Because most do not really understand that they are multi-dimensional beings and how this works, we are easily influenced and WAY more susceptible then we would otherwise be.
Through the gaps in our auric field due to our emotional injuries these beings can influence us. When we face our shadows in self-acceptance/self-love the gaps close and they can no longer influence us. The way to rid yourself of these beings should they come is to say: I accept that I am _________fill in all the words of what you are that you have not accepted. Don't exorcise them away, worse will come.
Be willing to follow your heart when you are bribed by spirits rather then gloat in glory or perceived success. Be MOST willing to FEEL your EMOTIONS. For all when angry, are posturing behind the emotions of unlove/unworthy this is where the darkest shadows lie.
Have you ever noticed how quickly an elected politician becomes an a****** once in office? This is not necessarily because he already WAS one, but he was "selected" due to the likely possibilities of being able to control him for an agenda. Hitler was created/programmed and possessed by those "hidden" with an agenda, but not until he was until full power.
Those who are a threat to the agendas are assassinated. This is often done by creating "crazy people" or using those who can be under heavy influence of dark-spirit. Crazies are created to be possessed and then used or often to be silenced! They have emotional injuries or have been made crazy for this purpose. I could have been one of them had I not been able to re-cover my "self". I had been dissolved of every identity and attempted at reprogramming. JFK is an example where possession is indicated by the fact that the one who killed him "remembers nothing". When people are temporarily possesed they do things and "don't remember".
In the case of politicians, once elected the dark beings who already supported in getting him/her elected, now can take control. "Beings of Love" do not possess others, so we don't have the hidden power in the same way.
Another thought is to consider how near entire populations in whole countries can become manipulated for otherwise obvious horrific agendas. Think WWII Germany. The influence is from the other densities and then happens HERE. Why were they so manipulatable? Surely they should know killing Jews and others "isn't cool" yet the LEADER who is possessed and controlled also has a minion of spirit-army that INFLUENCES the a manipulatable population. There are gaps because of old fears in the phyche that have not yet been faced. Shadows of Security and Unworthiness in that case. And how does an entire population of Jews become victim. When we stay in denial we cannot hear the guidence to "get out of town". But again, security/unworthiness... reflected it with the others.
I'm trying to bring awareness that it's WORTH doing your shadow facing. Without the WILL --you are and will be manipulatable and weak. If you choose to feel guilty for being Not Loving then you are missing that shadow right there. I accept that I am _______ (selfish)! Fill ijn the blanks. Can you stand to do that??
I continue to study everything I am drawn to, I never stop and say AHA this the answer! this is it! Because behind everything is both truth and untruth, dark and light. If you find a sense of "relief" then you are still on path, but only use it until it is no longer high-enough and then search on and continue forward, keep going higher. Never stop asking.
(03-21-2012, 05:44 PM)DuncanIdahoTPF Wrote: After considering channeled material for quite a length of time, it all seems to make "sense" to me and everything fits together into a cohesive system that makes sense. From what I heard from that video, the picture of what the universe is does NOT make sense to me. If there are "evil" manipulators in control, and the positive channeling are all completely bogus in that they are lulling us into a false sense of security, it creates a picture of the universe that does NOT make sense to me. If they are the "bad guys" also, then where are the good guys? And if there are no "good guys", whats stopping them from just coming in and taking over?
I hear you. I notice that there are huge differences in channeled material and entities. What resonates with you and feels like relief is indicative of where you are at "at the time". As you shift what once was relief must now be found again elsewhere as you evolve.
IMO Translators should not be feeling drained or in pain during sessions. To me that is one indication that Ra may be a little more negative then what seems. I'm not saying there isn't valuable information in there, but always there IS an agenda. Good or Evil... and both within.
In duality realms there ARE both good guys and bad guys. And that construct of the universe is there to be played in. When you drift above that you get a glimpse of the realization that both have agendas and neither is often about empowerment. Good guys are "rescuers/martyrs" like angels, jesus etc. Bad guys -well we know what they are, they are often cloaked as "good guys".
Those who wish to empower others are what I reach for. And for me to empower others is what I in turn reach for if I'm playing in this space this way. Knowledge is one gift towards empowerment. This is why knowledge can be misused as well. Text books included... ;-)
Link above for Yellow Ray....
Note what the symptoms of deficiency are. (4D).