03-21-2012, 09:28 AM
I remember discussions between unity100 and other members on one side, and me and other members on the other side that were about Hidden Hand material. Unity100 and folks of similar opinions could not get how anyone, and especially being students of the Law of One, would listen and trust an entity who says him/herself being STS. STS use deception and lies in order to spread their message/s, so it was beyond unity's and other's comprehension how any of us could trust that source. While those of us who liked Hidden Hand's message said that it's not about the messenger and who or what this messenger is, but about the message and use of the discernment and effects this message had. Many in this forum for instance found their way to the Law of One material thanks to the Hidden Hand, and many didn't see anything in their message that would be dangerous.
Well, here we have a member claiming him/herself to be completely STO, and the message that this member brings is wrapped in lies and deception. Shin'Ar, I am not saying that you are STS. I don't know who or what you are; and I see it as even less important now. The thing is that it is for a fact that you used lies and deception while trying to convey your message, while claiming yourself to be in service to others.
I don't know what to make out of it yet, but it strengthens my belief even more of trying to see ALL as ONE. All is Love. End of story.
Well, here we have a member claiming him/herself to be completely STO, and the message that this member brings is wrapped in lies and deception. Shin'Ar, I am not saying that you are STS. I don't know who or what you are; and I see it as even less important now. The thing is that it is for a fact that you used lies and deception while trying to convey your message, while claiming yourself to be in service to others.
I don't know what to make out of it yet, but it strengthens my belief even more of trying to see ALL as ONE. All is Love. End of story.