(03-17-2012, 04:33 PM)Pickle Wrote: I don't find any meaning in "soul mates" as far as two people from separate oversouls. To me that is a "contract".
The "higher self" of my wife is also my higher self, the same oversoul. Tracing my past incarnations I am always male, she is always female. Only a few of my lives have I been alone without her part incarnated to possibly "hook up".
This would possibly explain why we fit so well as opposites. All of my strong points are her weak points, and vice versa. We work as a team rather than individuals.
Actually there is the concept of teaching each other seen in our relationship.
That's very similar to my hubby and me. I have wondered about the sex part. All the past life memories I have were female. I wondered if maybe I was biased and just assumed they were all female, since psychics say we've incarnated as both sexes. Ra says that too, if I remember correctly.
Are you saying you think you never change gender, or that you might change, but your mate will also change so you're always opposite?
Ie., could you incarnate next time as female and your wife as the male?